Kairi Quotes Part 1

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"Don't ever forget... Wherever you go, I'm always with you"

~Kairi to Sora in KH 1

"Thinking of you wherever you are, We pray for our sorrows to end and hope that our hearts will blend. Now i will step foreward to realise this wish. And who knows? Starting a new journey may not be so hard. Or maybe it already begun... There are many worlds out there...but they share the same sky. One sky, One destiny..."

~Kairi's letter to Sora in KH 2

"Maybe... waiting isn't good enough..."

~Kairi to herself, waiting for Sora on destiny island in KH  2

"Sora...Don't ever change."

~Kairi to Sora in KH 1

"Let's take the raft and go... Just the two of us!!"

~Kairi to Sora at te beginning of KH 1

"This time... I'll fight!"

~ Kairi to herself when she was about to protect Sora in KH 2

Okay so here were some of Kairi's quotes i'll do later a part two for her cause i know she has more quotes but i can't remember them now...

Hope you liked it! Buh byee

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