Chapter I

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"When I look into all of your stupid faces, I think of how much fun it will be to pound them into dust." - Ivan Braginsky (Russia)

America walked silently as his short blond hair was swept along the direction of the wind. The breeze ripped off the leaves from its branches like vermilion flames falling on the sidewalk, indicating the start of Fall.

He yawned and munched large bites from his hamburger. Stumbling upon his train of thoughts, he suddenly thought of what will Russia say to him.

What kind of urgent thing would he like to tell me the day before the wedding between me and Belarus?

When he witnessed the sight of a sunflower garden from afar, he pretty knew that it was owned by Russia. Everyone knows how he admires sunflowers which is simply opposed to his hidden dark persona.

He knocked on his door and Russia welcomed him. The expression is not pretty 'welcoming' though. He had his calmly look on his face but he knows that behind that mask is a man full of cruelty.

"How's my sibling?" Russia asked with curiosity. Russia can now talk about Belarus normally, unlike before, he was always avoiding her whenever he runs into her coincidentally.

"She's doing well." He replied simply as he positioned himself on the couch comfortably. Then, swallowing the remnants of the hamburger.

America remembered how Belarus was totally obsessed about Russia. He was deadly irritated whenever he sees Belarus stalking her big brother, but he kinda thanked Russia for seeing her as a sibling only, nothing beyond that.

Russia was drinking his favorite vodka in front of him. He smiled, intensifying his intimidating aura. "I'll get straight to the point."

"Someone is clearly starting a war. I know that the wedding isn't the only thing you are busy of." He uttered. "I found out that you lack power in infantry and artillery and I am willing to lend you a hand in one condition."

"He only wants to scare me? Why would I receive help from you, brother-in-law? Don't you know I'm the hero!" He exclaimed as he thrust his clenched fist into the air.

"Not this time."


"Good evening Alfred Jones. " Belarus greeted at the kitchen.

She wears the dark purple dress that reaches her knees which compliments with her white waist apron. The white ribbon embellished her long straight platinum blonde hair which is flowing down on her breasts.

"Why are you late?" She paced towards him and crossed her arms. Belarus wears her creepy smile, increasing the hostile atmosphere around her.

He pinched her cheeks and laughed off his nervousness. "You are really excited for being my wife, huh? You're ACTING like one right now."

"See this dress." She holds the purple fabric. "It is wonderful." She taunted him, pointing out that the dress that Russia gave her.

He didn't say anything but eventually his face changed into blank. Jealousy is all written in his expression.

"Don't worry. This would be the last time I'll wear this." She put her hands on her back and carefully stepped towards him. "I would like to just commemorate the last day of being a bachelorette. Don't go antsy Alfred."

She tiptoed and crossed her arm around him. She chuckles and under his breath. Alfred was about to say something but she placed her index finger on his lips.

"Shhh... I will not do anything to y-"

She was cut off by the unexpected kiss from the man in front of him. His arms hugging the petite frame of Belarus' waist.

"Don't even think of seducing me." He muttered. "Or else..."

"Or else what?"

"I'll grow impatient of waiting for you to be my bride, Mrs. Jones."



Sorry for not being able to update this story frequently. I am actually making this for my friend and I was only publishing for her to see.

To be honest, this was already a draft I made last year ago. I'm sorry if I cannot really commit myself into continuing the story.

Despite this, I hope you still had fun reading these short chapters ( ' ∀ ')ノ~ ♡

Constructive criticism is always welcome \( ̄▽ ̄)/

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2019 ⏰

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