The meeting

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Taehyung pov

(I was quickly running down the busy sidewalk trying to get to my first job interview)

"I can't be late"

Let me give you a little back story.
Hi my name is kim taehyung im 23 years old, And im a model....well i would like to think i am and that i would become one but i know that it might not ever happen, am i ok with that? No not really i put my whole life and future on the line.

what job did i sign up for you ask? A modeling gig of course, but not just any gig, you see i have gotten personally invited to bighit inc.

I've heard that they only sign the best of the best for the team. so for them to pick me out of millions means a lot to me, but if i don't make it there on time that opportunity is gone right out if the window.

Oh! Wait i forgot to show you the head shots that got me this gig in the first place

Oh! Wait i forgot to show you the head shots that got me this gig in the first place

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I know im pretty sexy you don't have to tell me

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I know im pretty sexy you don't have to tell me.


I arrive to the building in no time.

I walk through the doors and quickly jog to the desk
"very muture" i thought to myself. "Name please" the random women said

"Kim taehyung"

She slowly typed my name in her computer.

"Room 284"

"Take two right's and three left's then from there your going to head straight for the elevator then go seven floors up and then that's where you'll meet this guy named "jung hoseok" and then from there he will take you to your destination"

Uhm ok

Well there's no way in hell im going through with that, im already late like damn.

I walk into the waiting room(which was completely packed) i walked to the magazines and pretended to read until i heard the 'desk lady' get up and leave that's when i took my chance and ran over to her desk i noticed that she had a list of numbers on top of her printer with names right beside them and decided to just call this hoseok guy up to the front room.

                                                                     this is how the call went


Hi is this hoseok?

Yes,may i ask who's calling"

Uhm this is debra


Um debra?


Tell me who this really is or im calling security.

Call ended

"Welp that's not good"

I noticed that the woman that was at the desk was on her way back from the bathroom with a worried look on her face."why are you still here?"

um i got lost..?

"Pft fine I'll just call someone down for you"
Is hoseok busy?
"Can you send jimin down please?"
"Um ok sure"
"Alright bye bye"

Ok so jimin will be here to pick you up go over and stand by the elevator.
Fifteen minutes had past and i finally heard the elevator ding and a small male with black hair walk out towards me.
"Are you kim taehyung?"
Yes,yes i am
"Come with me"
I quickly walk into the elevator with him.

not going to lie there was an awkward silence before jimin decided to speak up with some rather bitchy words

"you do know your thirty minutes late right?"

"Pretty fuckin stupid if you think you could walk in all late and shit and assume you can get away with it"

"Oh really i did not even know that,why did you think i was rushing you stupid bitch"

is what i wanted to say

But i ended up saying this instead

No sir i did not know i was late

After the interview
(Cause im too lazy to add it in)

It was around 10:00PM by the time i got out.

it was a long ass interview so i hope i got the job cause if not they just took hours from me that i can't get back.

I decided to stop by a fast food place

I walk in and notice that a bunch of people are crowding around this really pale guy.

But i don't really care for him so i sat down and ordered my food

At home
(I know...short.
i just like taking the easy way out)

I climb into bed ready to check in for the night.

i really hope i get the job.....if not at least let me end up with a lot of money

Ok imma end this here

Word count(766)

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