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"And who are you?" He said

"I'm just the one who will protect Mira" I said trying to act cool.

"Yoo--...I mean run now! I can handle this!" Mira shouted

"No Mira youre the one who should run." And because I'm lucky, she ran out of the rooftop.

"Hmmmmm, do you want to get hurt too huh?" He said walking towards me making be walk backwards.

I gulp and said, "Well if that's the way to protect my friend." I said with confidence making my nervousness fly away.

"Okay, pthen" he said and without a word, he punched me. Good thing I dodged it quickly. I feel kinda proud. Hehe.

"Yah!" He said kinda pissed of.

"What?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Just tell me who are you!"

"Why will I tell you?" I said and maybe because of anger, he slapped me. But good thing, I learned self defense so I got his arm and twisted it. He hissed in pain. Now he's really pissed of.

"Yah, let me go!!"

"Why will I?"

He punched me in my stomach and it hurts so bad.

"Remember this, whoever are you, I'm gonna make your life a living hell" he threatened and shot a death glare.

What the hell did he just said? He's gonna make my life a living hell? Well he can't do that. Let's see Jungkook. If you think I'm scared of you? I'm not and will never be.

It's getting late so I just decided to go home.


"So how's school?" My mom asked

"It's okay Mom, I met a friend...... And an enemy." I mumbled.

"What do you mean enemy?"

"Nothing mom, by the way I'm hungry. What's for dinner?" I asked trying to change the subject.

"I just ordered chicken because I'm not feeling well"

"Arasso, get well soon mom. You rest now I'm doing the dishes"

"Okay darling thank you I'll go sleep now" She replied and kissed me on the cheek.

*After dinner*

I sat in the sofa and watch some kdramas. Ouch this is so sad. Then it ends. Leaving me crying my eyes out.

I'm so tired so I decided to go to bed. It hurts until now. That jerk. Well I'm gonna get it back so it's okay Yoora, at least you saved Mira right? I'm so tired that I didn't notice I fell asleep.

Ringggggggg. My alarm clock again! Another day, another day to face Jungkook and Mira. Sighs. Wait, why am I scared? I shouldn't be.

As usual, I did my morning routine. And then went to school.

On the way to class, I met six boys staring at me.

"Uhm are you Yoora, I'm sorry for what Jungkook did to you" - Boy 1



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