Chapter 1: Back To School

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Izuku's POV
I woke up unusually excited. Not really sure why but I just had a feeling that something exciting was going to happen today. I hoped out of bed, jumped in the shower and ate and made my breakfast. I was about to run out the door, only to realize I'd forgotten something really important. I ran up to my mom in the kitchen and hugged her tight.
"Bye mom. I'm off to school."
"Bye sweetie. I still can't believe...that the boy who was in tears at 4 because he didn't have a quirk, can finally fulfill his dream of becoming a pro hero. That's my baby boy."
"Thanks mom. But a lot of the credit goes to you. You helped me so much. I don't know what I'd do without you."
I gave my mom one last hug and she kissed my forehead. I waved her goodbye as I ran out the door.

I ran down the street, weaving my way through traffic as I got down to the bus terminal. There I saw Iida waiting patiently. I jogged up to the high strung teen and he turned toward me.
"Iida! How's things been? How was your long weekend?" He smiled at me and chuckled.
"Hello Midoriya, nice to see you aiming to get to school early like myself. UA students must always be punctual. Being ahead of schedule or at least on time allows us to prepare for any unforeseen outcomes and be in a position to act accordingly." I chuckled to myself. No matter how much vacation you put Iida on, he will always come out enforcing rules and being ready for school. It's pretty amusing at times actually.

We stood there chatting for about another minute and a half until the bus arrived. We hopped on and took seats in the middle of the bus. About 20 minutes later we got off at the school gates.

"Oh how I've missed this place." I said to myself. Even tho it's only been a couple days that I haven't been here, I miss it a lot.

Do you miss the school? Or do you miss a certain roses cheeked someone? A voice inside my head teased.

I felt my cheeks begin to heat up and my heart beat a bit faster as the thought crossed my mind. I could see her now, her beautiful round, red cheeks, her gorgeous brown hair that swayed and hypnotized me as it swayed in the wind.

I felt Iida grab me by my shoulder.
"Midoriya? Are you okay? You look pretty flushed. I hope you are no coming down with a case of the flu." His face was filled with concern. I shook my head vigorously, smiling nervously.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine. Why wouldn't I be?" I spat out quickly, trying hopelessly to convince him. He seemed to buy it tho. Either that or he decided that it wasn't worth perusing the real reason behind my change in mood.

We continued walking to school in silence, my mind still lingering on the one girl who always made my heart jump and my knees tremble. I stepped into class to Kachaan trying to explode Kaminari's face off.

" was joke...I didn't mean anything by it. Chill." The electricity quirk user stuttered nervously.

"I don't care you damn bastard. I am the best one here out of all you rejects. Who was the one who beat Todoroki? ME!!! It doesn't matter if he didn't use his full power against me. Even if he did, I would have still exploded him into the ground." The icy hot teen in question stayed emotionless.

Damn that guy has a good poker face. No one can ever tell what on earth is going through his head. Unlike you. Everyone always knows exactly what or who you're thinking about...

Oh shut up you. No one asked you about what you think.

You're right...because everyone already know what I think..well you know...cause we're one in the same. Ahhh you know what I mean.

You are not me. And you are an idiot.

If I'm not you, then how am I in your head?

I thought about it then mentally face palmed myself. I then felt a shaking on my shoulders and I was snapped back into reality. On taking in my surroundings I saw Iida staring me right in the face, a stern and concerned look on his face.

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