Chapter 7 - Tag, You're it

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As we pulled in to the schools parking lot, I looked over to Sam sitting next to me. We fetch him on the way because his house is close by.

"What are you looking at?" Why does he look so afraid of me? I'd never pull my ninja skills on him and slit his throat. Maybe if he annoyed me enough.

I got really in his space and poked his chest while exclaiming "Tag." I then opened the car door and run for my life to the hallway. Out of breath I stopped noticing Anne.

"Hey gucci mama what's up?" She slung her arm around and kissed my forehead.

"Nothing homeslice, just got some battling going on on my turf, you know what I'm sayin'"

She laughed at me as we reached our lockers. I noticed the boy band make their appearance, I swear every creature with a vagina or not so straight dick held their breath. They always looked so flawless like epic music was being played in the background with an explosion in the distance.

Rolling my eyes and turning back to locker in search of my timetable, I felt a poke at the back of me head.

"Come on, it's that easy?" A defeated sigh left my mouth as I faced Sam.

I noticed Nancy's group staring at me. I'll call them the fanny pack. Well not just at me, at Sam and I both.

"Now I gotta get you back otherwise I'll be tagged forever!" Defeat, utter defeat. He chuckled as he brushed his hand through his hair, staring at all the people watching.

"I guess it's on like a girl on my dong"

"Why can't you just be as generic as you look and say Donkey Kong?"

I shoved his chest as he walked away. Anne looked at me bewildered. You see they don't really acknowledge me at school that much because they have a reputation to uphold so when stuff like that happened then everyone's appendix bursts. Obviously I'm not one for the popular crowd, it's no fun being one of them.

"Anne, you shouldn't look so freaked out. It was just a game of tag" I shrugged closing my locker. "It was like me playing with a puppy" she hit my arm warningly.

Making fun of werewolves could get you into serious trouble but I do it anyway, I mean living with them makes it so much easier.


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