let go

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Seulgi puffed her cheeks when they entered the nth shop in the mall that day. She has been walking around with Taemin for almost the whole day and it started to get darker too. "Shall we go get something to eat? You seem tired." Taemin said, his eyes on Seulgi while he pretended to look at a shirt.

With the word of food, he caught Seulgi's attention. "Sure, sounds good to me!" Taemin dropped the shirt he was "looking" at and walked next to Seulgi. He stepped closer to her, the girl not noticing that he tried to hold her hand. When she felt a hand wrap around hers, she looked down and saw Taemin's hand holding her. "Uh... What are you doing?" she asked. Seulgi felt uncomfortable but Taemin took the sign wrongly and assumed she was just shy. "Holding your hand, what does it look like?"

Seulgi gently pulled her hand off and took a step back. "I don't want people to misunderstand," she mumbled as they entered a small restaurant. Taemin frowned when Seulgi walked to an empty table, not even caring that she left him alone. He sighed and formed his hands into fists. "Be patient, Taemin. She will be yours soon." He followed her and asked for the menu before he sat down.

It was silent and awkward between them during the time they waited for their food to arrive. Seulgi kept looking at other things or her phone instead of keeping a conversation with Taemin, which he desperately tried to keep going. But Seulgi's short and dull answers were of no help. Anger started to rise in Taemin but he had to stay cool. If she noticed that he got mad about her behavior she would leave him and tell her grandpa. Maybe then he wouldn't be able to see her again.

Seulgi's phone buzzed and she looked at it underneath the table, holding in on her thighs. A smile formed on her lips when she saw Jimin's message on the screen.

pjm- you okay?
ksg- mmh out with a friend. bored af.
pjm- kang seulgi. language.

Seulgi frowned. She kept wondering how Jimin could know so much about her when she didn't tell him about her personal life in detail before. Sighing she typed a message.

ksg- sorry. btw gtg friend seems to be angry at me.
pjm- be careful.

"What are you smiling at?"

Seulgi looked up and shook her head, "Just a friend who told me a joke." Taemin frowned. "What kind of friend? A girl or a boy?" Seulgi raised her brows. "Uh, why do you even care? And why do you want to know about my private life anyway?" She slightly began to get angry. Not only the fact that he was rudely asking about her personal information, but also the fact that she literally spent all day with him instead of with someone she would rather be now, made her angry.

Usually, she wouldn't get angry that fast. Seulgi liked helping others and making friends but something about Taemin just seemed off to her. She just couldn't feel the sincerity and the comfortableness she had with friends around him. He seemed so fake around her. And cold.

"I should go home now." She finally said and grabbed her purse. Taemin stood up and wrapped his hand around her wrist. "Seulgi... wait, I am sorry if I made you mad. I didn't mean to." She looked down at her hand and roughly pulled it off. "It's fine. I just think it's late and my Grandpa probably got worried. See you."

Seulgi quickly left the store but once again she was grabbed by her arm. With pain, she turned her head and noticed Taemin holding onto her arm. "Let me drop you off. It's dark and dangerous." He said, looking deep into her eyes which made Seulgi feel uncomfortable. "N-No, I can go by myself. Let me go it hurts..."

She finally freed her arm and suddenly ran off. Her eyes filled with tears and she just ran where her feet led her to. Once she was out of breath, she stopped at a bench and sat down, trying to calm down. Wiping off her tears, she looked around trying to figure out where she was. "Where am I..." she began sobbing silently and chewed on her lower lip. Her phone rang and she searched for it with shaky hands.


"Seulgi? Why didn't you answer my calls?"

"J-Jimin," she breathed out shakily.

"What happened. Where are you? I am coming."

Seulgi could hear as Jimin began running on the other side of the phone. Unwillingly, a smile formed on her lips. She suddenly felt warm and safe, knowing that Jimin would come and be by her side. She described her surroundings and told him the name of the street. He said he would be there in a few and they hung up. Seulgi looked at her phone and smiled slightly. Whenever Jimin was around she felt protected, as if nothing could hurt her. She knew she was falling for him and she didn't try to fight against it. Years passed after what happened in Busan and she knew she couldn't continue living like that. She matured. She learned how to trust people and how to keep a distance. Even though she promised herself never to like a boy like that again, she just couldn't help it.


Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of her name. Seulgi turned to her side and noticed Jimin running up to her. She quickly stood up and approached him.

"Seulgi, are you okay? Did something happen? What's wrong?" Jimin said, out of breath. He cupped her face while he checked her body for any bruises. He was obviously worried, his hair was messy and his cheeks had a light pinkish flush from all the running. But Seulgi only smiled, looking up at the boy. "Hey talk to me, is everything fine?" He pushed her hair back and looked into her eyes.

Seulgi nodded slowly, closing her eyes. And at that moment she knew it. Seulgi was in love with Jimin. Whenever they were together Seulgi felt giddy inside. When their hands touched accidentally her heart skipped a beat and her skin started burning. Just thinking about him made her feel happy. She knew she wanted to spend all day with Jimin because just his presence made her feel safe.

 She opened her eyes again to meet Jimin's sparkling ones. "Jimin," she breathed out. The boy only hummed, now relaxing after he was sure that she was fine. "Jimin..." The latter chuckled at how Seulgi kept repeating his name. "What is it, huh?"

Jimin's eyes widened when he felt Seulgi's lips pressed against his. The kiss was more like a peck, but it was long enough to make Jimin freeze in shock. Seulgi blushed immediately, surprised by her own actions, hiding her face in his chest. The boy smiled and wrapped his arms around her petite body, unaware of the pair of eyes that were watching them the whole time.

Taemin formed his hands into fists, turning around as he no longer wanted to witness the scene in front of him. "Park Jimin." He spat venom. "Not only your unloyalty to me but also the fact that you now dare to put a finger on my girl gives me enough reasons to make you suffer." He looked at them again before he turned on his heel to get to his van. "Can't wait to see you again Park."

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