First Day

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The alarm rang suddenly and Sam's eyes shot open.  She slammed her hand onto the table and turned her phone alarm off. She continued to lay there, curled up in her bed almost slipping back into a deep sleep before snapping back and sitting up with her feet on the floor.

"Another year of this. Great." She snarled.
Her hair was tangled and messy from sleeping, and her singlet was twisted around from what seemed like a restless night.

Sam left her bed after a long period of fighting sleep, and walked into the kitchen down the hall to make herself some coffee. While the pot brewed on the stove she packed her laptop and the other things she'd need for the day and lay them by the door. She paced back to her room and threw on some ripped black jeans and a baggy t-shirt before rushing back to the boiling coffee. She poured two glasses, with one in her hand she walked the opposite way towards her parents room, and lay the hot coffee next to her Mum, who snored softly.

"See ya when I get home, love you" she said softly before backtracking all the way to her own coffee.

Sam checked her phone while she drank, and clicked on her timetable for the day emailed to her last night.

"Fuck." She sighed,
English first, Art second and Maths third.

Sam was completing her final year at high school, and as much as she wanted to do well, and succeed, she found that school wasn't her type of environment, and struggled to find the reason to attend each day. The only thing that kept her going was her Studio Arts lesson, which allowed her to be herself, and work on her own projects. Sam was very creative and art minded, so that class made every day worth it.

As she finished her coffee, she placed her glass in the dishwasher and grabbed her bag and her keys from the bench by the door.
She started her car after rolling two cigarettes and put on her favourite playlist and listened to it for the 35 minute drive to school.

Sam always smoked on her way to school, for some reason it was relaxing to her and no matter how bad she knew it was, the habit had stuck.

Her car slowed down as she drove into the school parking lot with Pink Floyd's 'Time' blaring from her speakers. She cruised past the lines of kids getting off the buses and pulled in to her usual spot next to the oval. She turned off the ignition and then sat in the front seat listening to the end of the song.

Sam was interrupted by a loud knock on her window.

"Jesus Christ Lachie" Sam said defensively.

"Hurry up dickhead, I want a coffee before class!" Laughed Lachie.

Lachie Lane was Sam's best friend. He was tall, had ginger hair with a beard,
And dressed differently every day.
Today he had brown jeans, a black tee and a denim jacket paired with his hair under a beanie.

Sam and Lachie had met through mutual friends and hit it off instantly. They laughed at the same jokes, played the same video games and went on the same adventures.
Other than Lachie, Sam didn't really have a close relationship with anyone else at school. Although she knew everyone, it was never the same.  She had a way of talking that was hilarious but approachable, and seemed to sneak her way into every teachers good books through her cheek and talk.

"One flat white and one long black please" Lachie ordered as Sam lay on her elbows over the school cafe bench.

"Why does school have to start so early? It's bloody dawn." Whined Sam.

"It's 8:40, it's really not that bad, wanker."
Lachie laughed.

"Yeah but I've got to drive all the way from the farm! Your closer to school. Whatever. What do you have first?" Sam asked.

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