Sick Days

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You sneezed really loudly, waking Diggy up. "You okay y/n?" "Yeah, I just need some tissues. Go back to sleep hun." You say kissing his cheek. "Okay just let me know if you need me babe." "I will." he watched you walk into the bathroom , admiring the view but also keeping an eye on you. You both look at each other from your spots, as to say I see you all in one glance. You broke the moment by blowing your nose in the tissue, loudly. "Ya lil nasteee." he mocked the That's So Raven line, nailing it perfectly. "That was good. You ever think of acting butthead?" He laughed saying "I dabble.. Just a little though. Can't have the fans thinking I'm a triple threat. Looks, Music and Acting." You rolled your eyes. "AHHH!! Mom Diggy Simmons is so amazing! I'm gonna marry him someday." you say in a dreamy, stuffy voice. You plopped back onto the bed. "Why mom?" he questioned. "You gotta build that fan base too babe." "Yeah cause MILFs are all the rage y/n." He said with a big grin on his face. You nudged him hard and rolled over to lay on his chest. "You're gonna make me sick." He complained. "Make me soup and I'll watch where I blow my nose." He huffs, then getting up as you pinch his butt saying "OMG that should be on a shirt. Nice ass baby, now go make me soup." You say as your hand helps create the tag line in the air. He laughs saying sarcastly "Why aren't you a salesman?" "I don't know." You shrug, "Wasn't my calling." You say yelling after him to make sure he heard. Minutes later, he shows with a tray. On it was two bowls of soup and a box of Ritz crackers. "You got the good kind! And two bowls of soup for me? babe you're one of a kind." He gives you the really look and you flash back a big smile. You quickly blow your nose, throw the tissue out in the trash by you and turn the tv on, playing Family Feud. "Best. Show. Ever!" You love this show! Diggy didn't mind, you guys caught some funny stuff every once in a while. People have wild guesses sometimes. "You comfortable baby?" he asked after he finished his bowl of soup. "Yes. Thank you Daniel. Are you gonna tuck me in too?" you question sweetly in a child's voice. "Sure my baby waybee!" he teased rubbing noses with you. "Cute." you replied before pecking his lips. "What a great daddy." "Ooh, call me daddy aga-" he sneezed abruptly and frowned instantly. You laughed hysterically and kissed his cheek saying "I'll take care of you daddy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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