Chapter 2: Nandos

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   The first place Jordan can even think to go, is her dad's old recording studio. She pulls out her folder of sheet music, takes out a few pieces, and sets them on the table in the recording booth. None of the technology worked anymore, but it was the only place she felt at home. She strummed a few chords and wrote them down when they sounded right. Jordan slips on the headphones, approaches the microphone, and sings,

"Left, and then right, no one, in my sight, no one believes me, no one will think, maybe, I have a side too. Time, it ticks by, these dumb tears, they just fly, everyone will leave me, I might feel free, but, lies can kill. 

Theres no reason! Maybe for once you should check the season, before you go throwing out your Hurricanes! Yes they hit me, knocked me down to the ground, Yes they hit me, but you never stuck around to see... The damage you've done, made me bleed. Tears of joy wished they'd stream, down... Um... UGH!" Jordan threw the headphones down. For the first time ever, writing a song made her feel worse. She finished writing the notes, stuffed the paper in her bag, and she ran out the door.

   Jordan walks down the street. She doesn't know where she's going, she just walks. It stopped raining, but it seems right when she stepped outside, it started again. Jordan took out her umbrella and opened it.  She walks for about 30 minutes when she noticed she was totally dry already. She hears her phone vibrate. "Great," she says as she pulls it out. The text is from Joe. "Sorry babe, but itz ovr. All these cheatin rumors r puttin me in a bad place nd u wont tell me wat started em. All the guys on tha team r makin fun of me for stayin with a cheater, so i cant be with u if all u do is ruin my reputation. Bye." is what the text read. Jordan stuffed the phone in her pocket, and kept walking. Jordan is still walking when she notices she starts pouring tears. They come and come no matter how hard she tries to stop them. Her life seems to be ruined, no one likes her, most of her friends have left her, and now, she's alone. 

   Wiping away the tears, that are still pouring, she accidently bumps into someone and falls on her bum from the impact.

   "I'm so sorry!" The person says. You know it's a man, from his deep voice, and his irish accent is absolutely beautiful, but Jordan hasn't yet gotten a good look at his face, for she's scrambling to catch all of her papers that scattered across the wet concrete before they became unreadable.

   "It's, it's fine-NO!" Jordan yells, as the song she just wrote starts to fly away, but the man catches it. 

   "Hey, this isn't bad," he says, as he helps her up. Jordan is shivering, for she fell in a puddle of freezing cold water, and she still can't think straight, because the fall still has her mind in a whirl, but she manages to get a look at this man's face. It's Niall from the band One Direction. She never really obsessed like most other girls are, but their music isn't that bad, she actually really likes One Thing and Moments.

   "Thanks, can I have that back now? It's kind of personal..." Jordan asks, trying to be as polite as possible. It wouldn't be the best idea to make one of the biggest names in the music business mad, she could end up on the next headline: EVERYONE HATE THIS GIRL MORE SHE PISSED OFF NIALL HORAN!

   "Oh, yeah, of course, here ya go," he says, with the most beautiful smile Jordan's ever seen. She stuffs the paper back in her bag and says, "I wrote that one today... When I ran to my dad's studio after-" she stops, he probably doesn't care about her stupid drama anyway, but yet, he's staring intensely into her eyes, she notices this, and smiles.

   "I'm sorry for staring, it's just that you have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen... What's you name?" Niall asks, turning a little pink in the cheeks. 

   "Jordan," she replies, looking down. He was too sweet, she couldn't endure it.

   "Well, Jordan, how'd you like to go grab something to eat?" Niall asks. Jordan agrees, and he invites her to some restaurant called Nandos, in which Jordan's never been. 

   They get their food, and Niall scarfs his down very quickly, while Jordan just eats little by little, picking at her food. She's not very hungry, for she's still upset about what occurred earlier. 

   "Guess I should've asked this earlier, but aren't you supposed to be in school?" Niall asks, wiping his mouth and pushing his empty plate away.

   "Um, I kind of just... Left..." Jordan replies, wondering if he will scold her for skipping.

   "Just guessing here, but did something that happened at school inspire that song? It seemed like your heart just poured out onto the paper... " Niall says.

   "Yeah... Well, my boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now, broke up with me because of some rumors... One of my "best friends" and another girl were passing notes in class, and when they were asked to read it aloud, I couldn't contain myself. The things they said were just..." Jordan stops. She's afraid she will cry again if she says anymore, and she is a little hesitant to talk to this complete stranger about things so personal...

   "Ah. The song's catchy honestly... What was it? There's no reason. Maybe for once you should check the season, before you go throwing out your Hurricanes! Yes they hit me, knocked me down to the ground," he says, sounding a little sympathetic. 

   "Not at all trying to be rude or anything, but I don't want your sympathy. It's all just stupid... I didn't deserve him anyway..." Jordan says, a single tear streams down her face as the thoughts pour into her mind.

   "Don't you say that!" he snaps and wipes the tear from Jordan's face. She's a little alarmed. "You're beautiful in every way. I've know you for what? An hour? Maybe two? And I've already fallen in love with you. How'd you like to come on tour with me? It would mean the world," he asks. Jordan is stunned. He called her beautiful, and he loves her for her. She's totally speechless, and when she's finally about to reply... Joe walks in and yells, "We've been done for like 3 hours and you're already out with another guy?! Or is this the lad you cheated on me with?! Guess the rumors were true huh? You are a SLUT!". Niall stands up, "Say that again! I dare you!" he says. "Niall, no, please, he's not worth it," Jordan says, desperately trying to stop Niall, who's a little less than a foot shorter than Joe. Joe pulls back his fist, when the rest of One Direction rushes in and pulls Niall back, and about 10 girls grab Joe from behind yelling things like "GET AWAY FROM HIM""YOU JERK""THAT'S NIALL HORAN YOU ARSEHOLE""DON'T TOUCH HIM" etc. Joe and all of the girls leave Nandos, leaving Jordan, Niall, and the rest of One Direction alone. 

   "What the hell were you thinking Niall?!" Louis asks, then looks at Jordan. The three other boys also look at her, realizing what happened. "Ah, he was just standing up for this beauty, lads, give him a rest," Harry says, winking flirty-ish at Jordan, who just smiles in return. 

   "Boys, I asked Jordan if she'd come on tour with us. Is that alright?" Niall asks, putting his arm around Jordan's waist. Jordan looks at the ground. "Fine by us, management says we can bring one person along with us each(not a fact!), so if Jordan's okay with it. Do you want to come, love?" Liam asks. Jordan looks up at all four of them, then at Niall, at his hope filled, beautiful green, blue eyes. "Of course. Yeah, that's fine with me," Jordan says, still looking into Niall's eyes. "What about your parents?" Zayn asks. "I don't have any. They died; I've kind of just been living on my own.." Jordan replies, feeling like a "Debby Downer". "But where have you been living, eating, getting money?" Louis asks, curiosity filled his words. "I live with a friend, and we both have part time jobs and sell stuff we make to pay rent for a little apartment down the block and get food," Jordan replies, still feeling like she's downing every one's mood with her stupid sob stories. "Well go pack your bags then! We leave for America in a few hours!" Harry say, for some reason, excitedly, Jordan expects he has a little crush on her...

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