•THREE•~"should i stay or should i go?"

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After Dumbledore left, i went to my room and laid on my bed. All of this is overwhelming. It's making me feel confused. Should i be happy? Should i feel sad because im not home? But Hogwarts is your home. This is exactly what you wanted. Your wish came true.

I groan and wrapped myself with blankets, usually when im like this i would just read my books and listen to music. How will i act when im at school? will the other professors know? And it's 1976, it's The Marauders era. I will be studying with Harry Potter's father and godfather. From what i read they were quite the troublemakers. And Judging by the fact that they figured out Remus Lupin's 'furry little problem' i bet they will get suspicious about me too.

Better stay away from them i suppose.

Yeah i'll just maintain a low profile until i graduate then.

Maybe i can save James, Lily and all the other people who died then? No, if Harry won't become a horcrux then he wouldn't be able to sense all the other horcruxes.

I could save Harry from the pain then? Maybe i could just tell Dumbledore about the horcruxes so he could just destroy it?

No wait, Hufflepuff's cup was on Bellatrix Lestrange's vault and she's still a student and not yet a Death eater.

...i should just let things happen, i should not meddle with anything.

what will i d-

My thoughts were interrupted when my 'mother' opened the door.

"Aris sweetie Professor Dumbledore told me everything. You could stay tomorrow while i buy your things okay?" she said to me with a kind smile.

I really. really. want to go to Diagon Alley
"No it's alright I'll go." i said with an excited tired smile.

"Okay, sleep okay? we leave early tomorrow. Goodnight Aris"

"Night Mother" i said with a bit of hesitation.

A look of surprise flashed across her face but she smiled anyway. She closed the door leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Should i stay or should i go? it's not like i have a choice though. I sighed and closed my eyes beginning to fall asleep.

Maybe this is not so bad after all

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