Promises They Keep

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Chapter one -In The Beginning
Salena Marks sat in the church pew watching her mother preach yet another furious Sunday sermon. Her heart begins to beat trepidatiously as she watched members of the church sweating and screaming."And God will deliver us from all evil! All iniquity in the mighty name of Christ Jesus!"Pastor Olivia Marks yelled from the pulpit. The church erupted in a cacophony of thunderous applause."I guess God has favorites Salena thought to herself as she continued to take in the constant vocal eruptions of Halleluiah from the congregation.Her phone vibrated on her hip.She looked down at the message as sweat began to gather in the furrow of her brow.The message said two words Come home. Lena took a deep breath and began to make her way out of the pew. She glanced sadly at her mother as she continued to jump around on the small platform. Her mother was so caught up in the deliverance of her message that she never noticed her daughter as she left. Salena stood on the curb watching the morning traffic. Slowly she began her trek home. Once she reached the brownstone that she called home she paused"Where is God now? she pondered to herself.Salina opened the door and walked inside. Sundays meal of Roasted chicken and red potatoes hit her nose like a freight train. She walked into the kitchen and lifted the lid off the crockpot. Smiling she inhaled deeply of the savory aromas.Salena absolutely adored her mothers mix of herbs and spices that she lovingly added to almost every meal. Strong arms enveloped her from behind causing her to drop the ladle onto the floor."Cmon Babygirl, we ain't got all day.Clyde Graham aka Stab continued to lewdly embrace his stepdaughter. He began to grind saliciously against her backside. Salena shuddered with disgust as she felt his breath hot against her ear."Your birthday tomorrow, ain't it baby girl? Salena struggled to free herself from his musty embrace."Yeah, he continued, "My baby girl bout to be sixteen hunh. He kissed her on her neck.Yeah, is Daddy's baby girl growing up? "Clyde continued to kiss and lick on her neck. "Cmon he said softly as he grabbed her hand. "Come get daddy right. Tears dropped slowly down her maple brown cheeks as she complied. Every Sunday it has been the same thing for the past 8 years. Salena walked slowly to the backroom and shut the door. She sat on the bed and silently wished she was somewhere else. The door creaked open slowly as Clyde walked in the room. He pulled on the buckle of his belt till his pants fell heavily at his feet." Cmon baby girl he breathe heavily.Come get daddy right. Salinas' nose wrinkled as his pubic sweat permeated her nostrils. Tears mixed with sweat as his erection pushed forcefully against her lips. She looked up into his dirty face as he placed his hands behind her head. She closed her eyes and opened her mouth.

Olivia sat behind her desk going over the church agenda. She fervently poured through the account statements that were piled on her desk. She rubbed her eyes and continued to pour through the paperwork. Something seemed amiss to her as she continued to squint at the numbers. They seemed to be off by a few hundred dollars. Suddenly it hit her like a bolt of lightning. The statement with the missing money was in the file cabinet in her home office. She moved the mountainous stacks of paper until she retrieved her cell phone. She hit the number one button to call Salena. She scowled as her phone went to voicemail."Can't that girl even pick up the blessed phone? Frustrated she decided not to leave a message.
Chapter Two Gemma
Salena stood in the mirror furiously brushing her teeth and tongue.Her reflection seemed to glare at her. Bitch! it hissed. How long are we gonna put up with this shit? This fuck boy putting his dirty wrinkled ass dick in our mouth.? "You know why!she replied quietly." If you mess this up mama will lose everything she worked so hard for Gemma. So you know why. Gemma snarled"Fuck that Baby girl! Mama don't wanna put her God-fearing lips on the bitch so it been our obligation for 8 fucking years? All because he holds the key to the truth about mama? Gemma puts her hands on her hip"Well what about our future huh? What about our happiness. Hunh, Baby girl? Salina stared helplessly at her reflection because honestly, she had no answer. Eight long years she had endured the abuse handed out by her step father. Always the same thing Sunday after sunday. He told her that she was too young for vaginal intercourse,but her birthday was tomorrow. She would be 16 years old.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2018 ⏰

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