Her Soul - an Emison (Emily/Alison) fic - Pretty Little Liars

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“No,”, Emily whispered, her soul being pulled out of the ground. It was being pulled away from her, and she felt her head go light as the girl was stored in a body bag. People were everywhere, but Emily could only see her, her once blonde hair now a dull matted yellow. Her face was pale, and maggots swarmed around her face, searching for their meal.


“No!” Emily screamed. Her soul was gone, her lifeline was gone, Alison was gone. Gone forever, and Emily would never feel her hair in between her fingers, or smell the Chanel perfume Alison always wore, the one Emily found oh so sexy. Or her hands as they glided gently into Emily’s, like they were curved around each other. “Give her back to me! Ali, oh, Ali….” Emily sank to her knees as everyone stared in grief. Her soul was being wheeled away, and Emily was going to be sick. She thought  that Alison was just hiding, that it was part of her game. After all, she loved immortality. But now, seeing her in all her decaying glory, Emily felt the pain in recurring waves. It blinded her and washed over with such an intensity that she couldn’t speak.


I remember when we first kissed. We were watching a movie and Alison leaned over to place her lips on mine. I  could swear that was the moment I knew I could survive life - swimming, school, my parents - and with one kiss, it began.


Her soul was driving away now, sirens blaring. Aria ran up to Emily, tears in her eyes as Emily broke again. Tears rolled down both of their cheeks. Emily screamed, not caring if there were people around her. The hole was gaping in her chest, and the breath from her lungs seemed sucked away from her.


I remember Alison once during a sleepover, with our fingers laced together as a movie played quietly on our screen, saying “You’re my soul.” And I would repeat, “You’re my soul.”

Hysteria bubbled up in her throat;  she was frozen, pushing against the wall of emotions, and suddenly shewasonthegroundandherthoughtswerejumbledandshesnothereanymoreshesnothereanymoreshesnothereanymore and people were running up to her as her eyes slipped close and her heart finally slowed. “She passed out! Somebody, get her some water!” She wanted to scream, to say, “Don’t give me water, give her her!” but her mind was slowing as darkness enveloped her. Emily welcomed it with open arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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Her Soul -  an Emison (Emily/Alison) fic - Pretty Little LiarsWhere stories live. Discover now