When will the One appear?

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   Click! Click! Click! Ouch…goodness! I hurt myself with the pen. I have been sleeping for hours since I have been doing my homework. Meanwhile I see my mom opening the door telling me to go eat. I got up and put on an elegant floral purple shirt with casual jeans to go eat delicious food such as drooling chilly chicken salad with delicious fresh side dish salad. When I finished eating my food I went to take a walk down the park. As I was walking I can feel the fresh air breeze through my hair. Meanwhile I see the sky filled with wonderful and different kind of cloud forms. A thought has occurred to me about myself on how I know I am Melissa, but somehow I am wondering when will I be able to love myself truly and  when will the “guy” ever appear, and how I am tired of wondering about myself, and wanting to really disappear and relax without no worries over the world.

        When the sun was beginning to settle down I quickly run to my house passing through the plants and flowers that appear like jungle through my purple room filled with flowers all drawn on the wall. I sit on the bed and in a sudden I fall deep into darkness.  “Oh no..!” I woke up sweaty. I just had a nightmare about a guy asking what I really wish, which made me want to tell my deepest desire to disappear to a peaceful world. In a sudden, I hear a shrieking noise coming from the closet. I closely stay next to the closet door and grab my bat and slowly open the door. When I opened the door a message straightly blow on to my hand revealing the view of the sky filled with clouds and the air blowing calmly outside the door. I read the message, which said, “Welcome, Miss Melissa, I welcome you to our beautiful world of peacefulness of life,but I warned that you may encounter a challenge to come back to your life.” Meanwhile I am holding to the message I take deep breath and blink at the message, which made me feel excited as I am sitting on my bed and I feel nervous, since I am worried about what my family may feel about my disappearance, so I quickly grabbed the handle of the door and I try to close it, but I think about how this may be the last opportunity. In an instance, I am faced with a creature like fairy, who magically appears and questioned me what I am thinking. At a sudden, I screamed and she quickly magically shut my mouth.

        “No. No…Darling I am not trying to hurt or hunt you I am a real fairy, who is here to help you. Can I trust you not to scream?” said the unknown fairy.

        I questioned the look of her face and as I examined closely I am faced with a 50 Years old looking fairy that look very kind, so I decided to trust her.

        “Ok, sweetie I’ll unmute you.” said the unknown fairy.

        “Thank you. Who are you?” I said.

        “I am a fairy named Wanda, who is here to help you.” she said.

        “But...how you know what I am feeling?” I said.

        “Sweetie I sense what you feel and I am to be known as your guardian, for example I sense you are having a conflict with your mind on the choice to accept or decline the offer from that closet door.” Wanda said.

        “Wow…Well I don’t know what to do....” I said.

        “I see…you know family won’t be notified of your disappearance. You are to experience something new. I advice to try something new and I promise I will guide you back home, Miss Melissa.” Wanda said.

        “Call me Melissa. Okay Wanda I’ll accept your promise and thank you again.” I said.

        “No problem! Let go!” said Wanda while I am screaming meanwhile she grabs my hand and pulls me to the closet and we jumped inside the door. I opened my eyes and I am flying through the sky, while I am feeling the fresh air breath me in. I sense Wanda magically changes my clothes to a comfortable purple dot dress with brown boots. In an instance, I am faced with a rural place filled with many beautiful trees and different kind of flowers bedded through the long and healthy bank of the river. I see this view as a refreshing new life. I start to feel my shoulders relief themselves. When I landed safety I am faced with a medium rural house next to a large forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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