The hospital

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Hey how ya doing?

"Sorry you can't get through why don't ya name and ya number and we'll get back to you."

Lol sorry guys that song has been stuck in my head for a while now but seriously tell me how you are liking the book so far cause when people don't tell me I don't know wether to continue or not, a few people have told me witch I am grateful for.

And ps you silent readers who just read and don't comment or vote please just take two seconds out if your day to just click the start, please?

Well here is the update sorry it is a day late but I made it longer so here ya go my lovely readers hope you enjoy!

(Jess's POV)

I was up all night in our hotel we have to stay in cause our house burnt down waiting to go to the hospital to see Lili. he got put into the hospital yesterday after the fire.

I woke up this morning and got ready and ran out of my room in our hotel room, I was about to run out the door to go to the hospital but my mom stopped me an said "sweetheart visiting hours don't start till 3:00, why don't we order room service and eat then head over latter."

I looked at the clock and saw it was noon and I sighed then shook my head. My mom smiled and she clawed room service. then I said "hey mom where's dad?" she looked at me and said "well uncoil Simon called a meeting for all the boys today to decide how they are gonna handle the harry situation."

I said "oh ok, so when do ya think we will have a new house?" she smiled at me and sighed and said "well Simon is giving us his second house to live in cause of who did it and he said he was being nice and decided to give it to us but I think he have it to us so we wouldn't sew Harry."

I smiled and said "cool."i looked up at the clock and saw it said 2:40 I looked at my mom and said "can you take me to the hospital now?" she smiled and said "yes come on let's get going." I smiled and hugged he and kissed he cheek and we both walked out the door and to her car and started for the hospital.

We got to the hospital and she dropped me off and I ran inside and as soon as I made it to the desk it turned 3:00 I smiled at the lady and said "excuse me miss but would you mind telling me what room Liam Payne is in?' she laughed at me and said "wouldn't you like to know, what are you some fangirl?"

I looked her in the eye and said "ok firstly no I am not a flipping fangirl I am Jessica Malik Zayn Malik and Perrie Edwards daughter and I am Liam Payne's girlfriend so woul you like to stop being a bitch and tell me where my boyfriend room is or do ya just want to get fired and get a call from my lawyer."

She looked at me and said "nice try sweet heart but I am not buying it."
I started laughing and said "ok let me call my parents and now you are definitely losing your job!" I pulled out my phone and called mom and she picked up and said "what's up sweet heart?" I said "hey mum can you and dad come here cause this nurse lady is being a bitch and won't tell me were Liam's room is." mom got am and said "we will be right their and and she will be losing her job we will be their in 10.". I smiled and said "thanks mom see you and dad then."

I looke at the lady and said "you are in for a rude awakening in about 10 ministers bitch!" she roiled her eyes and said "ya whatever!"

Once it was 10mins I saw my parents come busting through the hospital fires and they were pissed off! they came over to me and said "what did she do!?" I looked at them and said "I told her everything and she still won't tell me what room he is in and he keeps telling me that she don't believe me!"

They got more mad and all three if us walked up to the counter with me in the middle and my dad slammed his hands on the counter and the nurse looked over and her eyes got huge and she said "oh hello their how may I help you?" Then my dad started yelling "HOW DARE YOU BE A BITCH TO MY DAUGHTER LIKE THAT YOU HORE SHE TOLD YOU MANY TIMES AHE WANTED TO SEE HER BOYFRIEND AND YOU WOULDN'T LET HER!?!?!? WERE IS YOUR BOSS I WANT TO SPEEK TO HIM NOW!!!!!"

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