Chapter Three

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Chapter Three : Theres Beauty Inside...

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Waking up and taking a shower was good

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Waking up and taking a shower was good. I got dressed in a simple outfit, nothing too fancy. Just ripped black jeans with white sneakers, a black crop top and my jacket.

Jake was outside so i ran downstairs. Waving off to Matt i exited my house. Okay maybe it wasnt Jake... aham. Its Asher. "Well, i thought bad boys get to school early" i sarcastically say earning a chuckle from him.

"Im taking you today" Asher said. "Um no you are not. Its a 15 minute walk. Ill go by foot bye" i say and walk off. I knew eactly what would happen if i accepted his offer. Gossip. Attention. Enemies. Three words.. and all because of one stupid ride. So why bother when you can walk?

"I know what you're doing Beverly. Im not stupid" Asher said which made me stop moving. "And so what?? I dont like Attention Asher. Do you know what it means to take ride with the Bad bou of Mountain Oak High? It means Gossiping about me, giving me Attention and me earning Enemies. And i dont want that for my Senior year okay..?" I say and sigh.

I could see his look after me explaining. "Ill drop you off-" "No Asher.. its literally 15 minute walk. Ill survive..."i sighed and walked off again this time in the School's direction.

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I met with the others in my locker. "Yo what happened?" Rae asked. I guess he saw the look on my face. "Nothing" i say and fake smile. "Okay you can tell me later" He whispered and i smiled. I guess you cant hide anything from your guy best friend.

We got to class. Math Ugh. Asher came in with Ethan and Daniel. I didnt dare to look at them after what Ethan did to me, and aftsr what happened to me and Asher today morning so i kept my head down and worked on my sheet. I run a hand through my hair quickly changing its side because it was getting in my way.

Ethan sat to my right, Asher to my left and Daniel behind me. Im mentally rolling my eyes. If looks could kill i guess id be dead right now because girls kept giving me death glares. I dont want to be anywhere near them right now so i finish my sheet and give it to the teacher. "Sir can i use the bathroom please?" I asked and he nodded. I grabbed my stuff and exited the class. I wasnt going to the bathroom.

I approached my locker and i sat down under it. My legs crossed and i was keeping my attention to my sketch book. I was drawing a dragon which represented how strong and fearless my brother is and still stands by me.. "Can we talk?" I heard Ashers voice. "All of us?" He added and i looked up. All three of them were standing there.

I quickly shut my book closed and shove it in my bag. "There is nothing to talk about" i shake my head and stand up, leaving. There was a grip on my wrist pulling me. "Ethan let me go for god sake!" I yelled and he let go of my wrist. "What do you want from me!" I said crossing my arms. I was legit angry. I mean, they are following me everywhere jesus.

"I wanted to Apologize... thats what i want.." Ethan said. There is no way Ethan would Apologize. "Look at me" i said and Ethan looked up from the ground. "Do i look like im Stupid?" I said pointing to my face and in responce he shaked his head. "I may be blonde Ethan, but that does not mean that i dont know when someone is lying or not so tell me what you really want" I said.

Im pissed. First, stalk me. Second, hurt me and Third lie. Jesus. "Hey i didnt say that!" Ethan said approaching me closer. He grabbed my hands and put a paper ball in my hand and mouthed 'Dont tell them, read it'. My eyes wide i pushed his hands and ran for the bathroom.

Thank heavens it was just around the corner. I entered the bathrooms and hid in a stall. Locking the door. I opened the paper ball.

"Look im really sorry, i knew you wouldnt believe me so i wrote this letter. Im not really the best at Apologizing but im working on it. Almost remind me of Matt, who never was used to it.

Anyway. I know you probably think im a Monster... and im sorry. I deserved what you did to me. I do admit, i didnt mean to grip on you that tight and im really Sorry. Please meet me at the Park after school.


This really put me deep in thought. There was a phone number at the back so i decided to text it.

B- Hello?
E- Whos this?
B- Its Beverly
E- Who??
B-Oh right you dont know my name you Morron
E- Oh kk i know now who you are, anway did you read the message?
B-Yeah look, after school i have a job so i cant really come to the Park, meet me at the back of the school
E-Why does this sound as one of those creepy movies where the white mother fucker dies first? 😂
B-Shut up and come on!

And with that i met with Ethan behind the school and we talked. He opened up to me and told me why he was this strong. He had lost his sister and from that day he just... turned emotionless.

"Hey Ethan" i say softly and wipe a tear drop away from his cheek with my thumb. We were sitting against the Schools wall. "Yeah?" His voice cracked. "People arent omly beautiful from the outside... I believe that there is Beauty and on the inside, that means you can turn back.. Not everything has to be bad for you" i say.

"Thank you .." Ethan said. The bell rang and we left. I got into my uniform and went in Volley Practice.

Thanks for reading. I didnt expect 20 views and 2 votes in 3 minutes! Means alot to me.

Enjoy! Ah and btw That is Beverly ^ Ill have a picture of Ethan in the next chapter.

Have fun Loves! 💜

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