The War is Finally Over

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A/N: Who agrees that Hinata should be happy? I do, so I decided to make this fanfiction on the hopes that she will have a great future with Naruto. I do not own any of the characters from the anime series Naruto, or Naurto Shippuden, but please read as Hinata finally builds up the courage, to finally tell Naruto how she feels. There may be spoilers, so if you haven't been reading the manga, or watching the series, I am sorry. SPOILERS!!!

Chapter 1

A few weeks after the Great Ninja War. A funeral was held for all those that fell in battle. It was a bright sunny day, definitely not corresponding with the gloomy atmosphere. A week after that funeral, I stand in front of Neji nii-san's grave again.

"Gomenasai, Hinata." Naruto said. I turned around, I know Naruto feels bad, for what happened to Nii-san, but I can't only blame him.

"If I had been paying attention, this wouldn't have happened." We both stood in front of Nii-san's grave, I refused to cry, having cried enough before, and I wasn't going to cry anymore. I have to become stronger, isn't that right Neji nii-san?

"We can't change the past, all we can do is look forward." Out of nowhere, he pulled me into a hug. I was surprised, and didn't know how to react. Slowly, I lifted my arms, and put them around him, leaning into him, as I savored this moment. If only he wasn't doing this out of guilt, but love.

"You don' t have to act so tough, that's my job, but don't you worry, I'll keep training so I won't let anyone more of our friends die." he said, smiling the way he always does, except this time, it didn't make my heart skip a beat, it made me angry. I know what I said before, about agreeing with Neji-san, on how we're all connected to Naruto, because we'll die for him, but the war is over, and I'm grieving, so I can't be blamed for being mad. I remember him saying that he wouldn't let any of us die already, but look what happened, Neji is dead, and many people of Konoha as well and I'm alone, once again the Hyuga clan depends on me, and I lost someone I treated as my brother. I am one girl, without Neji I am useless just like before.

"Naruto, weren't those words simliar to what you said before Neji was killed." I whispered into his chest.

"What?" he asked. I pushed him away in anger.

"Honto! Really! You promised you would protect us. You said none of us would die. Doshte, why is it that because of your carelessness Neji shinda. No matter how many times you say "Gomenasai" it won't bring Neji back. So, Naruto mouichido itte kuremasuka? Can you say it again? You're not kami- sama, you can die too. Instead of trying to do stuff on your own, ask for help okay? You don't always have to protect us, let us protect you. Haven't you seen enough death to realize, what happens when you carry a heavy burden alone."

Naruto was speechless, I never usually rant, or yell, or even insult people, but Naruto constantly does things without thinking. There he goes watching in awe of the Hyuga clan and doesn't pay attention to his surroundings, even after my father specifically told him to do that. He can't get away fast enough so I jump in to protect him and then Neji gives his life for both of us. I had to say something, since his promise wasn't kept, and there he goes trying to make another one he can't keep.

"Hinata, I..." Naruto didn't know what to say, instead of waiting for him to answer me, I ran away. I was embarrassed at my outburst, but at the same time I'm glad I said it. I know Naruto wants to be hokage, that he thinks the hokage has to be strong, and mamouru, protect everyone. But from what I can tell, hokages are weak, they need friends, no one can do everything on their own, and you can't protect everyone someone has to die, I thought sadly. Without me realizing it, it had gotten dark already, and I was outside the village. I landed in a clearing, and here is where I decided to let out all my grief. Screaming, with all my might, I let out the anger, pain, and sadness I was feeling, but I guess I can't keep my promise to Neji. As I screamed the tears started to flow, they were tears of sadness due to so many members of my clan lost in that war, and to top it off, I lost Neji. Then Naruto, to cheer me up with false hope, making me angry. More importantly the pain I felt that watashiwa ai, my love for Naruto will always be unrequited.

Eventually I got up and slowly walked back to the Leaf Village, wiping away any trace of tears. Tomorrow, I was going to start training, so I can become stronger, and maybe one day, I will be able to lead the Hyuga Clan, once they acknowledge me as a worthy leader.

I woke up the next morning feeling a little better, and luckily I had no nightmares this time. Since the war ended, I had reoccurring nightmares of the war. It usually starts with the blast destroying the station for our intel, then seeing Neji die again, and ends with me being trapped in a world where Naruto actually loves me. That was worse than the war, now that it's over, I know, that that world was a dream and will never become reality. Before I go train, I need to buy flowers. I stopped at the Yamanaka flower shop where Ino works, but she wasn't there today, which was becoming a routine, instead it was Sakura.

Truthfully, I don't hate Sakura, but I do envy her. Naruto has loved her for a long time, but she doesn't care, instead she loves Sasuke, who I know will never love her back. So, I pity her, she has unrequited love, with Sasuke, and he doesn't seem to be showing those feelings for anyone, any time soon. But, I'm not doing any better with Naruto, so I can't judge.

"Ohayou gozaimasu, Good morning, Sakura." I said quietly.

"Hi, Hinata." She said.

" is Ino doing?"

"She's trying I guess. She has left her house a few times, but mostly to visit her father's grave."

"Oh, what about Shikamaru?" I asked.

"Same as ever, I guess, well not really. Since his father was the previous adviser for the hokage, he's helping out with important stuff like that."

"Oh, okay, well, may I have some flowers please?"

She went to the front and picked up white lilies. I paid for them, and was about to leave when Sakura called me back.

"What about you Hinata?"

"I'm fine." I said, forcing a smile. I walked out, and made my way towards, Neji's grave. I wasn't surprised to see, that there was an absence of flowers on the grave. Considering the Hyuga Clan's past, but that doesn't matter to me, Neji was like a brother and always will be. I kneeled down at his grave and prayed. Then, I got up and breathed in the fresh air. It's been a long time, since I first started liking Naruto, but soon everyone figured it out, except for Naruto himself. Despite what everyone said about him, Naruto was great, and proved me right time and time again. I always watched from afar until I soon grew the courage to stand by his side, then I made the effort to try and protect him. Not only was I drawn to his side, so was everyone in the village, and even outside it, but I was still the first one to realize how great he was, but he never knew that, and probably won't ever will.

I wonder, should I give up on Naruto, no, I shouldn't I have to train and become stronger and I'll need to ask someone for advice, on this problem. Kurenai-sensei, will know what to do, she and Asuma-sensei even kept their romance secret, for awhile. I need the wise words of a beautiful woman, and with her help maybe I can confess my feelings to Naruto. A little more happy, with that plan in mind, I thought back to yesterday when I yelled at him. Will he even talk to me, I sighed. Getting up from my knees, I decided to go train first, before I visit Kurenai-sensei.

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