C2-Dr Blood

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I wake up to the sound of the the bars creaking open . I crack an eye open,my body feeling like I was ran over by a train.That bed i'm laying on is not comfortable at all. Standing there was Dr. Blood, she had a tray of food in her hands.The leash was on a hook on a belt she was now wearing. She walked over and sat the tray down "You must eat" I roll my eyes "Ya know I know i need to eat,but just because you said that i'm not going to" she growls and says "You will or i'll force you" "I dare you too" she chuckles "you have such little faith that I wouldn't do that" and with that she used one hand and opened my mouth up forcefully,and took some of the food,and puts it in my mouth and forces me to chew and swallow,I huff. She grins in triumph. "Good now stretch,and wake up more,I'll come back in a few minutes to startthe tests" "tests?" I was always bad at tests...."Well of course" she chuckles "what kind of scientist would i be without My tests?" She got up and left the cell,making sure to lock it when she did.I got up,and stretched a few pops coming from my back. I sigh a bit,and sit there and silently count how long it would take her to get back.


Dr Blood's p.o.v
I walk down the hallway in thought Ka-The human is being a little stubborn,but it could get worse or better over time...I walk out my Lab and into that disgusting place,yes I myself is disgusting and it revolts me. I sometimes wish i was human so i wasn't like this. But boss or Mr. Sorrow the only one with a actual f*cking semi normal name don't like when we talk about that. He despises it. In reality I despise him. Just I have no memories of my past so this is it. My job for the rest of my rotting life. I mean I don't hate my Job,I actually love it!Being able to do tests and experiments to find out solutions and maybe discover something amazing!I feel a shiver run down my back just from thinking about it. I look down at my axe which I had grabbed before leaving the lab. It has always been with me,Even when I woke up as a rotten one, it was there laying right next to me. But back at the thing at hand!I am currently walking towards Mr Sorrows private study.Before i have time to even knock the doors open "Ah D-Dr Blood,h-have any rep-reports on the human?"  I swear his stutter annoys me "Yes boss,she is very stubborn,I had to force feed her just earlier" "Ah I-I see,w-well good thing y-you are stubborn a-also" right forgot to mention that theres been times hes forbidden me from stuff but I still did it "Yes, well us scientists can be like that" he chuckles making me want to choke him out."well you better get back to her huh?" I nod in response and head back to the lab. ...My precious,precious clean lab.

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