ch. 3

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The creature pulled you out of the window and into the woods, you knew this could be wayy dangerous but you were intrigued, you wanted to continue not knowing the risks and consequences this could lead you to so you kept going.

The creature told you not to asked questions but if course you still did, after the fifth time he told you to stop asking you did, but, that voice, it felt like British honey surring down your throat leaving a sticky tHiCC residue behind that you kept swallowing more and more still it was gone, but you didn't want it to leave, so you get adding more of the honey and swallowing it never wanting it to leave you behind.

You've never felt something like this before, it was a feeling you had never experienced before, you loved it. You were a little far behind so you caught up, you touched one of its rolls and it flinched, you quickly pulled your hand away as soon as you realized the creature has flinched, the rest of the way you stayed pretty far behind so you wouldn't do it again, the only time he were to talk again was when he told you that you and him were almost there, so you believed him, but soon meant reallllly soon because a few minutes after he told you that, you approached a small building and he said "follow me to the basement".

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