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by ellebyameioj

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Inspired by the story of The Spaces In Between by shirlengtearjerky (Leng De Chavez)

Ate Leeeeeeeeeng!!! Magsosorry at magte-thank you po ako. Masyado po akong na hook sa story nina Andreau at Zade (matagal tagal narin po ito ngayon ko lang nai-post.) May konting binago at idinagdag lang po. WAAAAH! SANA PO MAPANSIN NIYO 'TO!!


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 Twenty Six

Once upon a time there was a Filipina writer named Leng. She loves playing letters, words and invented it. All of her invented letters, words have different meanings and uses. It depends on what mood she has.

In all of her invented words and letters, she has a favourite.

That name is A.

We all know that the letter "E" was the most commonly used in English, but she prefer to used letter "A" because of her background being a Filipina. We also know that letter "A" was the most commonly used in Tagalog.

A, was a friendly letter. She always suited in all letters she's with.
A, has best friends, they were E, I, O and U.
A and I are the girls. While E, O and U are the boys.

One of Leng's favourite words that she invented was the word "facetious" because A and her best friends are in one word and it arranged orderly.

One day, when all of invented letters and words are playing and chitchatting. Leng, the writer, was tried to invent another words again. She tried to look for other letters that she invented and combined it into another letter. But there was something wrong. And she doesn't know what it was.
Until she decided to asked help for A.

A, gladly sought for the missing letter of Leng. She asked for companion of her best friends (e, i, o, u) to find the missing letter. She spoke different letters and asks if they does not use more often.
All of the letters she spoken to answered, no. She still sought for the missing letter. Until she get tired and almost giving up.
She was about to go back and tell to Leng that she does not find what she was looking for.

And then unfamiliar voice came...


A, continue walking without facing whoever or whatever the voice came from.

Then someone touch her.

She automatically faced whoever or whatever was touching her. And to her surprised, an unfamiliar face flashed before her.


"I said, wait."

"I'm sorry. Um, who are you?"

"I'm Z. And you're A,"

The named Z removed his hand to her.
A, started asking herself,
"Why I haven't seen him before?" "Is he one of the letters made by Leng?" "Who is he?"

"I think I know who your looking for,"

A's tiredness and almost giving up for finding the missing letter vanished. All of her senses just focused on the letter in front of her. Waiting for his next words to say.

"I am."

A's mind got the sound of elevator when there are someone arrived on their destination floor (ting!) and a realisation that why does this letter named Z, was unfamiliar to her.
In her existence, she was always with different letters but this was the first time she encounters, Z.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2018 ⏰

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