bigcitydreams ♥ Christofer Drew Ingle//{Chapter 5: Jane Doe}

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bigcitydreams ♥ Christofer Drew 

Chapter 5: Jane Doe

"Jane Doe, I don't think I know ya but I know for sure that I could get to know ya if you let me know your name. Damn, what's her name? 'Cause I'm overly attracted, and terribly convinced that she could be my princess and I could be her prince. And I felt that way since, since I saw Jane Doe. She's everything I want and more..." 


I walk around backstage, under the pretense of making sure all the right people are back here and waiting for someone to give me my camera, but really I'm just nervous as hell. Right now all I have is a little clipboard and walkie-talkie earpiece thing in my ear so the higher-ups can communicate with me if need be.

God, I am nervous. Especially because I know the exact moment when the Breakout Woodie nominees will be announced, and then the exact moment when Christofer Drew a.k.a. nevershoutnever. will walk onstage to receive his award, then offstage to side stage then backstage, which is where I will be.

There's a static noise in my ear, then, "Brookie."

"Yes, sir?" I reply, reaching up to hold the earpiece in my ear so I can hear better.

"Give 'em hell," my boss says.

"Yes, sir."

Actually, I am now planning to do just that if the need arises.

I'm thankful that at least I get to hide behind a camera.


"Brookie," the voice comes through. "Here comes Christofer Drew or Never Shout Never or whatever you want to call him. Talk to him as soon as he walks by you."

"I'm on it." I don't argue or really say anything; this is inevitable and I expected it from the beginning. Of course God couldn't let me go on with my life and let me forget my stupid past, oh no, I have to cross paths with Christofer sometime, because there aren't only billions of other people in the world.

Here he comes. I have my camera ready, over my eye, and a mike in my other hand.

"Christofer Drew," I say to him before he can get past me as he walks by. He stops in front of the camera. I move the camera out of my face, just a little. "Would you do a behind the scenes interview?"

"Certainly," he replies. He stands in front of the camera.

Before I begin rolling, I ask, "How are you feeling right now?" so my asking this won't be on camera. It's really loud in here and I practically have to yell. Thank God he's wearing a mike.

"I'm feeling overwhelmed with joy and passion. That's it." The lead singer of Hellogoodbye sneaks up behind him and starts miming stuff and making weird faces. I try not to laugh.

"Did you ever think you were gonna be here right now?" I yell.

"No. I didn't even think I was gonna get out of my town, Joplin, Missouri. So..." He shrugs. "This is insane for me. I don't know. It's awesome." He nods adamantly. "The Woodie Awards are the best day ever."

*This is the best day ever.* Yeah, tell me where I've heard him say that before.

"bigcitydreams" has been playing loudly in the background this whole time, obviously on purpose. God, it's been forever since I've heard him sing...

I stop rolling then take the camera off my shoulder but look down at it so he still can't see my face. "Thanks," I say. "Oh, and congrats on the award."

My walkie crackles in my ear again, and I head off to find the next artist.

He didn't recognize me.


I am done with my job, but as opposed to be out on the red carpet where I should be and really want to be, I am backstage still, at the food table, about to start stuffing my face and stress eating.

I find some chocolate covered strawberries, and I pick one up and put the whole thing in my mouth.

"Hey, Jane Doe," I hear someone say. A voice I could recognize anywhere, still.

I turn around... and choke on the strawberry, practically swallowing the whole thing at once. Christofer Drew Ingle is standing right here, in front of me now, addressing me.

I start coughing from the choking and I have to bend over I am coughing so violently.

"Whoa," Christofer says, and he walks behind me and starts patting my back to help me stop. "Are you okay?"

I nod, but I am still hunched over. I just want him to stop touching me, however casual and friendly and obviously unknowing it may be.

"Sorry," I croak. "You scared me." My eyes are watering, and I'm sure my makeup is ruined.

He laughs in a friendly way. "Sorry. You were the girl on camera, right? I never caught your name earlier. Obviously you know who I am. But see, the thing is, you remind me of someone I used to know, and..." He stops and scratches the back of his head. "I never caught your name," he repeats.

"Br...ylee," I catch myself just in time. I straighten up and wipe the water from my eyes with my sleeve. "I guess I just have one of those faces, huh?"

"Yeah..." he says, but it's obvious he thinks he knows who I am and he's not giving up. "But you see," he gets this absent faraway look on his face, and he looks at the wall beyond me. I really get a good look at him for the first time. Bad idea. Every emotion, everything I had felt about him and ostensibly still did, every memory of his gorgeous smile, his kiss, his voice, his touch, comes flooding back. "I *know* who you are. This girl I knew, she was *not* just one of those faces. She-"

My boss walks up, cutting Christofer off. "Brookie!"

Greeaat... Any small chance I had of keeping up my charade is gone now.

A/N: The BTS video of Chris at the Woodies that I took the dialogue from is at:

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