Chapter 6~ Tap tap tap

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'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hey dere :D lol i was typing this up on my phone and suddenly I clicked on the publish button by accident O.O So if you've read this before I've added a little bit more on the end.~~~~~~~~~~~

Sirius's POV

I snickered as I heard one of the Gryffindor girls starting up my rumours. I think her name was Jessica. Jessica or Jess as she preferred to be called, was a rather nice person. So nice, I managed to manipulate her into believing my lies. MWAHAHA! James nudged me hard in the ribs.

"Ouch!" I hissed, glaring at him. Professor Binns didn't notice so I thwacked James upside the head and sniggered when James yelped. Thankfully we were sitting at the back of the classroom, so no one noticed when war broke out.

Ten minutes later James and I were crumpled in a heap on our tables, whilst Remus read his text book and Peter shifted nervously in his seat. I pushed back a lock of droopy hair away from my eyes, as I panted for breath.

At the front I noticed Abigail slumped in her seat with her friends surrounding her. Hehe. Time to put Plan A into action. And just at the perfect time, Jess started to move the conversation onto the juicy part.

"Did you hear what happened to Lily?"

"JAMES!" I whisper-yelled to get his attention. James head snapped up as he zoomed into their conversation. I watched his face carefully. Oh man, I'd make a great spy one day. HEHE. Or was it fly? Urghh, muggles.



"Tell me!"

"Apparently she called Lily Evans a mudblood!"

James jaw dropped wide open as well as his eyes. He sucked in a breath and turned to me, anger in his eyes.

"Whoever said that is going to pay!" He growled under his breath. Remus looked up at James and patted his back, comforting James. Peter followed suit, uncertainly.

Abigail is so gonna get it! An angry James is never good. She deserves every single part of this revenge. But somewhere in the back of my head, a dumb little voice was disagreeing with my logic. I snickered, trying to play it innocent, yet I felt a pang in my heart. I must be getting heart burn. Reading muggle books is very educational.

"WHAT! Like Severus did?"

"Yeah like Severus."

"Does Lily know?"

"Yeah Sirius told her."

"Good on him. Gryffindors have to stick together."

I was starting to feel uncertain about all of this.

Maybe I was going too far?

"I should never have supported her. You know, she should just go marry Snape."

I mean I've humiliated her already and she's been through a lot recently. I mean she almost died. I should really go easier on her until she recovers. Hit her when she least expects it.

"YEAH, I KNOW RIGHT. Are you joining in?"

Abigail face planted in her desk, looking very sleep deprived. I felt a guilty. After all I was the one who started this.

No wait Sirius. She started it by humiliating you!

It wasn't her fault, if I hadn't been so annoying...

"Yeah, wouldn't miss it for the world."

Just as I gathered the courage to stop the rumours, the arrow struck the target.

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