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 Hello there!  Thank you for coming onto my story. Means a lot! Now here are some warnings. They aren't bad, but it'll (hopefully) pervent a whole fandom coming at me with their pitchforks.

SO anyways, back to the warnings.


-I do not own/know any of the characters that are going to be in the story.

-I do not own the series Attack On Titan.

-None of this story is real, all of it is fiction. Along with fictional characters.

-Please don't take this story without permission. Just don't try to take it at all.

-Also, there might be some triggering actions or underage. Please don't take it to heart. Reminder, it's fiction.

-There WILL be boyxboy actions. It is a gay ship, after all. So if you don't like/agree on it, please leave the comments to yourself and just leave the story. Thank you.


Thank you for sticking with me through these warnings.

Anyway, Chapter One should be up sometime today or tomorrow. I still have to write it and edit it. But I'm so excited for this story! I hope you are too!

-Maddy xxx

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