The Grand Showcase Part 1

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 **AN: This is the first in a three part collaboration with SylviaMoonbeam! If you would like to read her story please check out her Wattpad page or her deviantart account:  Enjoy!!!

"Now boarding at: Olivine Port. All ashore who's going ashore!"

At the sound of the announcement, Ryanne ceased brushing the fluffy mane of her Whimsicott and collected her things. She had never been to the Johto Region before, so she was a little nervous, but grooming her Pokémon always helped her relax. As Ryanne walked down the short bridge to the docks of Olivine Port, she looked around for her friend, Kira. Her friend often stood out due to her predominately black attire and pale blue hair, but she was nowhere to be seen. "She said she was meeting us here, didn't she?" she asked, turning to Kenny, her Whimsicott. Kendra, or Kenny for short, effortlessly leapt into the air, drifting downwards even slower than a falling feather.

"Whim!" Kenny called, pointing not a figure on the docks, but out into the water. A short ways out, an object began parting the water like a speedboat, sending out large swells into the surf as it approached at terrifying speed. Before Ryanne even had time to brace herself to the oncoming force, it suddenly slowed to a stop just before impact with the dock. Just as the water was beginning to settle, a Sharpedo breached the water, aloft on an Aqua Jet. The impressive display showered Ryanne, Kenny, and everyone around them water. A figure somersaulted off the Brutal Pokémon, landing gracefully on the docks as it crashed landed back into the sea.

Standing before Ryanne was Kira, soaking wet but beaming. "And THAT is how you make a theatrical entrance!" Ryanne wiped the salty water from her face, replacing her glasses after they had been sufficiently shook dry. "Ooh, sorry about Bullet getting all your stuff wet. I couldn't resist showing off," the Coordinator chuckled nervously as she attempted to find a towel or something for her wet friend.

"It's... fine. I needed to shower tonight anyway," replied the Hoenn native. "How far do we have to go before we reach your place? I'd rather not stay in this wet clothes for long."

"My place? That's in Goldenrod City. It'll take only a few minutes by water, but about an hour if we use our Ride Pokémon."

Ryanne wrang the water out of her hair, "if you don't mind, I think I'd like to avoid getting waterlogged again for a while. Let me go change into some dry clothes first." She said gesturing to her suitcase. "I have a few things stored in bags just in case."


On the way to Goldenrod City, the two trainers chatted while on their Ride Pokémon. "The Grand Showcase is one of the most prestigious showcases in the Johto Region," explained Kira, "The only reason you're even able to perform in it is because I vouched for you. So what do you know about performing?"

"I know how to wear costumes and combo my Pokémon's attacks so it looks cool." Ryanne admitted atop Sim, her Silvally. "I've seen a Contest Battle before."

"Huh, well. Looks like we've got a lot to learn!" Kira said atop her Arcanine. She fished a small whiteboard and pen out of her bag, quickly making a diagram before spinning it around dramatically. "There are six different Appeals the judges can choose from, but only four rounds. This means that you have to be prepared for all of them, even if you don't use them! The first is Pokémon Styling! To help me explain, I will use my lovely assistant." Kira brought out a pure black ball with a golden ring in the middle and released Duchess, her Sneasel, to join her atop her Arcanine. Ryanne had seen Duchess in action before, but was unsure of how it would go. She leaned close to Ryanne to stage whisper, "Please clap, it'll go much more smoothly if you do."

At Ryanne's clapping, Duchess' chest swelled with pride. "Now then," Kira continued, "At the start of the Styling appeal, all the contestants will be given access to a pile of random materials to choose from. You're to pick from these materials and dress up your Pokémon." The Coordinator grabbed a feathered boa from her bag and wrapped it around Duchess' shoulders, who then posed dramatically. "You and your Pokémon will then strut down the catwalk to pose for the crowd." Duchess followed suit, doing a small lap up on Arcanine's shoulders. Ryanne could see why it was worth it to boost the dark-and-ice type's ego-- she could probably make anything look glamorous.

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