Music Is Everything

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When I was younger the only thing that I really wanted to do was learn to play music. When I asked my Aunt and Uncle they said that Freaks didn't deserve to make music. That was until the neighbor's son started learning the piano and was bragging about it, that was the day my Aunt decided I would learn not only the piano but as many instruments as she could afford to put me in the lessons. For awhile after that the Dursleys were nicer to me. Dudley if he did hit me it was never in the arms as that would upset his mother.

    Music was the only chance I had to escape their abuse. That was until my Uncle was mad that Petunia was paying more attention to me then him and Dudley. The abuse only got worse after that, but I still had my music lessons. When the Hogwarts letters came and the Dursley's went into chaos I just wanted to run to the piano and play away the stress.

    After finding out I was famous was a shock. I didn't ask for this and I didn't want to be their savior. Finding out Hogwarts didn't have any music classes was a huge disappointment but I got over, after all what could be better than magic. So my years at Hogwarts went on without music. During the summers my Aunt didn't let me continue my music lesson, I was devastated, but life went on.  That is until the Triwizard Tournament was announced. I had a horrible feeling that my quiet year was about to go horribly wrong.


"HARRY POTTER!" Dumbledore yelled out. I went numb. This couldn't be happening. Why did it always have to be me? What did I do to deserve this? I vaguely noticed Hermione pushing me. I was too numb to realize that people were screaming at me. When I came out of my shock Dumbledore was yelling at me asking how I got into the tournament. I looked around the room until I saw the man in charge of the tournament. "Sir do I  have to compete in the tournament?" I asked. "It is a magical contract unless you want to lose your magic than yes Mr. Potter you do." He answered.

So those were my options, compete or lose my magic. I thought about it up until the first tournament. Reading over the rules, looking for a loop hole. I finally found one. They said I had to compete they never said I had to finish the tournament. That is what I will do I will compete in the first task and then forfeit the tournament, then I would leave the wizarding world behind. Besides what had they done for me anyway. First year no one listened when we said someone was going to try to steal the Philosopher's stone and having to deal with Voldemort was awful. In second year I was as evil as they came because I was a parselmouth, not to mention Lockhart was just a foul as Voldemort was in first year.  In third year they would rather I be kept in the dark about Sirius Black when in truth he was just trying to help me which is more than can be said about the other adults in my life up till now, and now this bloody tournament. 


    The first task was here. The cannon boomed over head. Finally it was my turn. I did research about how I was going to deal with the dragon. I had found a book in the restricted section of the library.

I went into the arena with the dragon and bowed as low as I could while still standing up. The arena went dead silent, like a concert hall right before a performance. In a loud clear voice I finally spoke, " I invoke magic herself to forgive me and judge me on weather I am worthy enough to keep my magic. I Forfeit the Triwizard Tournament!" The crowd was outraged but I didn't care. I looked at the mother dragon who had recognized something had changed with me. She bowed to me and turned to protect her clutch. The judges came down. " Harry Potter raise your wand and cast a spell." Dumbledore told me I did. I was silently praying it wouldn't work. It didn't work but I somehow knew that I still had my magic. " Well Mr. Potter it would seem mother magic doesn't favor you. You will have until the end of tomorrow night to leave Hogwarts grounds." The Minister said. I nodded and turned and left the arena.

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