Enemies from the Past. -Part 1-

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Those hats were observed to rise and then descend in a shower of them. On the excitement and the celebrations of the now graduated students. A bit of nostalgia clearly could not be missed although, that did not overshadow the happiness after having been done academically.

Except for her.

Who after that little emotion received, for the moment was invaded by that feeling that something was missing. someone.

She wondered if he was in the same situation as them.

"Is it not amazing?" Tuckers excited voice approached.

"We won't have to see these idiots anymore." He exclaimed in a way that not only his friends could hear.

A bad look was directed at all who were with him, making them bow their heads. Then those moved away.

"Tucker!" Valerie scolded him, who had come to talk to the young goth after almost reading in her face what was happening.


She could not concentrate well on the things that her friends were doing now. Valerie scolding, Tucker shouting, or rather the funny shrieks he made.

Her best friend soon noticed, and when he got rid of the brunette whose attention was called by other students to take pictures and say goodbye, he approached the goth girl.

"Are you okay, Sam?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"You usually laugh when Val pulls my ears."

Sam smiled slightly and did a muffled laugh because the comment merited it but she still did not want to laugh.

"Really." The techno geek was placed next to her. "Don't you think we did not notice how you were? You are not like that Sam and I think I know what you are thinking."

He looked down, as did her. They understood each other in that sense.

"Yes" She sighed so heavily.

"I think he wouldn't like us to be sad to remember him. Its as if he had died and it is not like that." He commented.

"Hey, maybe he is doing exactly the same as us and remembering." He took the shoulder of his friend and gave her a smile that she imitated almost by reflex.

"It's true." It seemed that the other had read her mind about the last comment

"How about if we go celebrate with junk food and more junk food?" While saying this, he walked back and pointing with his hands in a pose that made him look 'cool' and yet ended up stumbling.

Sam finally laughed. It was impossible not to do it with Tucker always around.

Sam decided to remove that heaviness. She would go with her friends and no more sadness. Before continuing, a voice of one of his companions was heard in the distance.

Enemies from the Past (English version)Where stories live. Discover now