Thank you

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To all the readers of If Only You Knew,

  Thank you for all the support you gave me on the very first book I wrote that I actually published. I truly appreciate all of you who took this book from 58 reads to 1.43 K. Without you guys I wouldn't be here writing this thank you note.

  When I first started writing this I was thinking that it would never get noticed as much as all the other Utapri fan books that I've read on Wattpad that are honestly far better than mine. But somehow my deep love for Camus reached all of you and brought this book to what it is today.

  I do appreciate it if some of you would pick up on my other works such as my Hajime x Reader from Tsukiuta. Though I do plan on doing another Utapri x Reader soon. Also feel free to request on my one shot book if you want more of Camus(secretly I have a one shot prepared but I'm too shy to post it yet lol).

  To close this off I would like you all to know how greatfull I am for all of you who have read this book and are currently reading this thank you note. I'm just a small fangirl in the Wattpad universe at the moment and I appreciate everything you have brought onto this book which I never thought I'd finish but look at where we are now. So truly, thank you.


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