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             Michael's pov
   All the sights here at Liberty City isn't nothing compared to Los Santos.Both cities are pretty much the same but the only difference is that Claudia's grew up near Liberty City.I couldn't blame her at all since she never told me that she grew up here.As I was walking,I saw her with another guy at the park.My heart got very excited and I walked to the park.
She turned around and the guy picked her up bridal style.He ran with her but I needed to talk to her.This fucking guy,who's with my girl,is making sure that I'm not allowed to talk to her.I was forced to run to catch up to them and I'm now grateful that I trained for so many marathons in the past!I couldn't stop imagining me talking to her again after so much.
             Selena's pov
    Niko and I finally found a spot where he think that Michael couldn't find us at all.He looked into my eyes and knew that I'm having a panic attack.Soon he's hugging me since that usually helps me to calm down.The hug didn't helped this time since I saw Michael!I did everything to avoid him yet my plan failed epically!
Lester is behind this since he's extremely smart yet he's such a worse like that fucking idiot!The panic attack is getting worse and I'm slowly losing oxygen.Sweat is starting to cover my whole body while my face is starting to turn red.Niko's extremely worried about me and he's trying his best to calm me down.I know how my cousin feels like when she's having an asthma attack but luckily she didn't had one in a long time!
I felt like I'm gonna passed out but something helped me to calm down.Niko's lips are on mine which reminds me how Lydia saved Stiles when he was having a panic attack just like me!But the only difference is that Lydia is Niko while I'm Stiles.My breathing began to go back to normal!I hugged Niko and thanked him for helping to calm me down.
    Just when we both thought that Michael couldn't find us at all,he was there looking at me with guilty eyes.Oh why the fuck does life want to bring back people that hurt me!Can you please fucking stop and let me live my life without any heartache at all?!Is that fucking hard to ask?!Apparently it fucking is since my ex is getting near me.

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