Chapter One

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Claire sighed, looking at the red and blue lights in her rearview mirror. She just hoped it wasn't him. That would just be the cherry on top of this goddamn train wreck sundae. Having to see Greg the first thing getting back to Whiskey Bend. She sent up a little prayer and could only hope as she watched the police officer get out of his car and walk towards her.

A leather glove tapped on her window, and she rolled it down about halfway, trying to keep at least some of the cold air out. It wasn't even ten degrees outside, and the wind could bite.

"License and regi-" The officer paused. "Claire?"

She looked up, cursing both her bad luck and whoever was up there calling the shots. "Hey, Greg."

Gregory James Hayworth looked like shit. A winter hat was pulled low over his brows, eyes streaked red and lips chapped to all hell as he hunched against the wind. He'd grown out his beard, too. The most she'd ever seen him with was some very light stubble. This, on the other hand, was much thicker, the hair dark and covering most of his lower face. She couldn't help but admit that it looked good on him.

"I'm sorry for your loss," he finally said. "Russell was a good man. I know how much he meant to you."

"Thank you," she whispered, willing herself not to cry. Not in front of him. "I just wish . . ."

Tears clouded her vision, and she looked away, forcing herself not to cry. She flung her hand out and shoved her license and car registration into his gloved hands.

"I'm sorry," she said. "Here, that should be-"

He gave the papers back to her and bent down so he was eye-level with her. "Don't apologize. Come on. I'll follow you home."

She gave a tremulous smile and nodded. "Thank you."

She waited for him to get back into his car and turn off the lights before she got back onto the road and drove home. The snowflakes were fat and relentless as they hit her windshield and the roads were slippery, but she eventually made it, pulling up into her parents' driveway. The living room light was on, and she thought she could hear Lady barking.

Greg was waiting as she got out of the car. She went to the trunk and pulled out her suitcases. He offered a hand, and she gave him one. They were both silent as they trekked through the snow to the front door. It reminded her of all the nights he had done just this. But they'd never carried in suitcases, and they'd always held hands, never able to keep their hands off each other.

Lady was on the other side of the glass, furiously wagging her tail, her tongue lolling out of her mouth. The chocolate lab all but pounced on Claire as she got through the door, and she laughed, bending down to hug her baby. More gray had begun cropping up on her muzzle and around her eyes. Claire was just glad that she hadn't died, too.

"Hey, puppy," she whispered, planting a kiss on Lady's head. "I missed you."

"Claire Bear!" Her mother smiled and wrapped her into a hug. "We were so worried about you. How was the drive?"

She just shrugged and held her. "It was just fine. Took awhile, though. I don't think my windshield wipers work too well."

"Well, we're glad you're back."

Her dad came and hugged her next, kissing her on the top of her head. Her little brother Lincoln flipped her off and stuck his tongue out, but her little sister Bailey came over and hugged her. She and her baby sister had always been close. Claire stuck her tongue out at Lincoln, too. She never realized just how much she missed her family until she came back home.

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