Chapter Five

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Claire stared at her peanut butter, using her spoon to move the chunks around into something that resembled a pattern. She hadn't set an alarm this morning, but it hadn't mattered. She'd still woken up at 6:15 on the dot. She usually started work at 7:30, and it was a thirty minute drive to work, which was why she had to get up so early.

But this morning, she'd made the most of her morning and had gone to the Y. She'd taken a light jog on the track, lifted her weights, and had stopped at Kroger to pick up breakfast sausages, shredded cheese, and most importantly her peanut butter. Her mom only kept smooth in the house, but Claire liked chunky.

When she'd gotten home, she had cooked the breakfast sausages and made omelets for everybody before making an egg white omelet for herself and toast with some peanut butter. She freaking loved peanut butter.

Which was why she was here, lying on the couch with a whole container of peanut butter in her hand as she watched The Notebook. She'd eaten maybe half a tablespoon more of the stuff, but now she was too lazy to put it back.

Her mom was in the kitchen, eating breakfast. It was Friday, which meant her parents still had to go to work and Bailey still had to go to school. Her mom was only working a half-day today, just so she wouldn't be behind for next week. Lincoln had class later, but not for a few hours yet. He usually stayed holed up in his room, anyway, playing whatever new first-person shooter game he'd just bought.

"Hey, Claire?" her mom called from the kitchen.


"You don't have any plans tomorrow, do you? We're going to Grandpa's to figure out what to do with all his things, and it would be really nice if you would come along."


Her mom poked her head around the wall, but when she looked at Claire, she frowned. "Hey, honey. You're not–"

"Nope. Don't worry." She set the peanut butter down and drank the last of her water. "I'm fine."

"Okay. I'll see you later, then."

She gave her mom a somewhat tangled hug from her spot on the couch and then, her mom was gone, leaving her with Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. Which was probably not a good idea, considering the ending made her cry every time. But she always felt better after a quick cry. Claire was ready for it.

It was good day for a movie, too. The snow had been falling steadily ever since she'd gotten back this morning. It wasn't too windy, either. The snowflakes floated more than fell down to the ground, covering everything with a thick, puffy white. She'd missed the snow. But she had a whole week to enjoy it.

And right now, she was going to enjoy it by burrowing into their warmest blanket, with Lady curled up behind her knees. She might even treat herself to a nap later. That would be nice. Oh, and some chai tea. That would really hit the spot.

She'd just begun to doze when Lady snapped up her head, barking like mad and furiously wagging her tail. Claire had to hold up her hand to keep Lady's tail from hitting her in the face. The thing was like a whip.

Somebody knocked on the door, and Lady jumped down from the couch. Claire debated whether or not she could pretend she wasn't home, but Lady's barking would probably wake Lincoln up. Throwing the blanket back, she tried as best she could to straighten herself, but she was in her pajamas. There wasn't really any improvement to be made.

While her pajamas weren't exactly suited for winter weather, at least they were something. It was just a worn out shirt and her pajama shorts. The crew socks she wore made her bare legs look weird, but they were cute and warm. It was a look. Besides, this was her house; she didn't have to be presentable all the time.

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