Chapter 7: My Past

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(Monika's POV)

We've stayed on the hill laying down and looking at the stars,15 minutes later I remembered that I need to asked Y/N about where are his parents. And why they are not with him.

"Hey Y/N?" I ask.


"Where are your parents and why you're not with them?" I ask him in a concern voice.

He just then suddenly stay there shock and eyes widen as he have seen a ghost.

"Why did y-you ask that?" He said.

"Well while you're in school, me and the girls found a book with pictures of you and your family inside of it. We checked it out then we realized only a few picture of you and your family are complete." I said as the girls agree with it.

"Is there something you want to talk about?" I ask.

(Y/N's POV)

After hearing Monika's explanation, I couldn't stop remembering on what happened to my mom and dad.

"U-ughh. I don't wanna talk about it.." I said nervously.

"Why?" They ask.

Until then tears start forming in my eyes as the girls noticed that I'm crying. I pushed my back up and turned into a sitting position,the girls do the same and moved closer to me trying to comfort me.

"Why are you crying? Is something happened to them?" Sayori ask.

I stopped crying and I wiped the tears from my face and look at them.

"You guys really want to know what happened?" I ask them,they all nodded.

"Well okay,here's what happened...." I said in a sad and low voice.

(explaining what happened in his past)

"Hey dad can we go to the park please?!" I begged to dad as I pull him to the front door.

"Son,you know that we already went there yesterday. I think let your old man have some rest for today." He said.

"But daaaad,but I wanna go play there with my friends." I said still pulling him.

"And we can go there with mom too so she won't have to be lonely in the house." I continued. He laughed at what I said.

"What's so funny?" I ask confused.

"Alright,alright we'll go there. Call your mom and we will go."

"Yaay!!" I yelled then went upstairs to call mom.

"Mom,dad said we will go to the park and we want you to come with us." I said as she was doing something on the computer.

"Why are we going to the park?" She ask.

"Because I want to play and have fun with you guys! So can we go please?!" I begged.

"Oh okay,sweetheart. Just let me go change real quick." She said the. smiled at me.

"Yay!" I went back downstairs with dad.

"What did your mother say?" He asked me.

"She said we will go she just have to change." I answers him with an excited tone.

He giggled then he messed with my hair."I'm happy that I have a family like you." He said then smiled. Then a second later his facial expression turned from happy to a sad and worried one.

"Dad, is something wrong?" I ask quite worried.

"O-oh,nothing's wrong son. Just thinking of something." He said.

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