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Naomi's POV
What the Hell!?What is he doing Rigt now?!Why is he kissing me!

James let's go of me and I was still shocked

"S-so you two are a Thing now huh?"Jessica asked

"Yes now can you back off!"Galit na sabi Ni James kay Jessica

Jessica was holding her tears and I gave James a Death Glare

"Why did you do that?"Sabi ko

Then he sat on the Chair again

"Do what?"James asked back Coldly

"Bakit mo ako Hinalikan?"Sabi ko ulit

"I did that just for a Show Genius,Do you think I will have feelings for you?"Tumingin siya sa saakin

"How dare you!?"I said

"Hmm~You know Naomi,Your such an Easy Girl and That's why I can play with you easily"sabi niya then he plug his Earphones on his Ears

I can't hold back my Tears so I ran outside of the Classroom and go to the School Garden where do I started to Cry hard.

"Bestie?"Someone said

I look at the Person and it was Nikki...

"Why are you Crying?"She said then she walk towards me and sit beside me

Should I tell her or Not...

"James..."I tried not to cry but I can't stop my sobs

"What seems the Problem?"She asked

"He kissed me...again..In front of my classmates and Jessica *sobs*"I said

She was shocked and her face became Red because of Anger

"Hush now Naomi,Everything will be okay"She said and hugged me

I hugged back and Cry

"Shh~~Don't cry"She said

I broke the Hug and smiled at her

"Thanks for comforting me Here Nikki"I said while wiping my tears with my Handkerchief

"Wala yun,Ano ka ba?Were Best Friends"Sabi niya with a smile

I smiled back and I look at her Shoulder where I cried earlier,It was Wet

"Sorry for Crying on your Shoulder Nikki,Now your Uniform is Wet"I said and pointed to her shoulder

"I'll change it later"She said then the Bell rang

"Oh It's my Science Class time,I'll get going Naomi"Sabi niya

I just nod and she stands up and go but she stop

"Kita kits nalang tayo mamayang lunch"Sabi niya Sabay ngiti and wink

"Okay"i said with a smile

Tumakbo na siya para pumunta sa Class niya,Then I Realize that I didn't report in Math earlier

"Fvck!"I hissed

Bwisit ka James!!Dahil sayo nawalan pa ako ng Grades sa Math!

Tumayo na and pumunta sa Locker ko and I look at my self on the mirror that is glued in my locker door.'I look like a Zombie!' I thought to my self

I get my make up kit and go to the nearest restroom and Fix myself

After 10 minutes of Grooming,I realized that I didn't attend 2 classes Today

Hala!Baka ma-Huli pa ako Ni Mr.Santos,Siya yung Taga-Bantay sa Hallway namin and Kapag nahuli ka bibigyan ka ng Detention Slip.

Paano na to?

Sumilip ako sa Labas and Hindi ko nakita si Mr.Santos,Kaya lumabas ako ng Restroom and Binilisan ko nalang para Hindi ako mahuli.

"Naomi?"May Nagsabi sa Likod like 10 meters away from me

Parang Familiar yung Boses niya

"Grandma?"Lumingon ako sa Likod

"Apo~"Sabi niya and She Spread her arms

"Grandma"Sabi ko and my Tears fell and I go run to her and hug her so tight

"Aww~My little Naomi is Grown up"Sabi niya and I broke the Hug

"Grandma I miss you so much,Because of my School work and Projects I cannot visit you in your Office"I said while Wiping my Tears

"Hush now,Its okay besides your Birthday is near I will visit to your Parents House and Have a Little Celebration"Sabi niya

"Yes Grandma,I'm sure Mom and Dad will love your Visit"Sabi ko

"Miss Naomi!Why aren't you in Class?"May Nagsabi sa Right side namin Ni Lola

Lumapit saamin si Mr.Santos and Mukha siyang Galit well palagi naman siyang Galit

"Mr.Santos,How many times do I tell you Not to shout in the Hallways while the Class is Starting?"Sabi Ni Grandama este Mrs.Navarro

"Mrs.Navarro,I didn't see you.I'm Sorry ma'am but I saw Ms.Naomi cut--"Sabi niya

"Leave Ms.Naomi and I alone for a while can't you see we are Talking?"Sabi Ni Mrs.Navarro

"Yes Ma'am"sabi Ni Mr.Santos and Umalis na siya

"Let's go to my Office so we can have a Nice conversation together"Sabi Ni Grandma

"Sure I would like that"Sabi ko kay Grandma

We go to her Office and may Changes na nangyari dito..

Yung wallpaper niya dati is Royal Red but now it's all White but shiny,Her Desk became large and wide.

"Come sit here dear,I'll call Hannah to make us Tea"sabi niya

Si Hannah yung Secretary niya and siya Lang din yung nakakalam Kung Anong connections ko kay Grandma,She is a Trustworthy person 4 years na siya sa Trabaho na to

"Yes Mrs.Navarro you called m---"She stopped talking when she saw me

"OMG!Beshy!"Sabi niya and she Hugged me

Btw She is my Best Friend even though she is 5 years ahead of me.I hugged her back

"Good to see you Again"Sabi niya

"Same"Sabi ko

Then we chat a bit..
Hey Guys!!So this is Chap.13👌🏼Sorry for not updating fast because we didn't had WiFi like a week now...Please Understand Author Unnie Meanhe🙇🏼‍♀️

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