Their First Meeting (part 1)

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     “So,the next lesson is about asking directions. Repeat after me,class”the teacher said.
“Excuse me,sir.Can you help me with the direction please?I am looking for the train station.”the teacher read aloud in English.

The class repeated after the teacher.

“There ,the second person is to-”the teacher stopped halfway as he noticed someone was spacing out,no... ‘fell asleep’ was better choice of words.

“Heiwaijima shizuo-kun from last row near the window,Can I get your attention please?”the teacher yelled, but seemed no result....,the one being called was still drooling.The teacher frowned.

“Orihara-kun,can u please hit the one behind you?hard enough to drag him out of his wanderland.”the teacher deadpanned.

“As your wish sensei” Izaya smirked as he dragged the one inched thick english book and hit hard on the head to the one behind him.

“Argh!it hurts !”the beaten boy knocked out of his blah blah dreamland as he adjusted his eye sight to his now so  unaturally quiet surrounding.
In front of him , someone was smirking ? he felt so annoyed just by seeing his face.....“You damn flea !how dare you hit me !”his memories seemed .He shouted loudly and directed a punch towards the male in front of him.But that guy was just smirk- “opps!” he froze as he looked around him. All the students stareeeeed at him “ hmmm?oh g..o..d”

“ahem , heiwaijima-kun,seemed you are awake now?”the teacher said smiling ,somehow dangerously.

“Eh arr sensei no no I am not sleeping!i am not definitely sleeping!” 'Craps! I just said the so obvious lie!!' 'no choice ,but to go along with it !'.

“huh? not sleeping ? Are you sure ?”the teacher smirked, “okay then ,i will believe you .So can u please read the dialogue I just read earlier?”

'shitttttttttt'internally screamed shizuo, 'what should I do ? I seriously didn’t knew!! Oh I can look the others book!' he looked around but everyone was a little far from his eye sight ,the only one he could count on was the one from front 'ah.... No not from that flea though...'

“heiwaijima-kun? Is everything okay? Or .....are you really slacking off during class?”the teacher hissed.

'no choice then,'shizuo thought as he looked over the male in front of him, 'page 11 okay ,i really shouldn’t believe him but since there is no choice..... '

Well,it really was a wrong choice.....

Shizuo began to read with the page no. from the male-so-called flea .Well,the whole class was quiet which means it was the right page ,it seemed. 'flea can sometimes helpful,but it’s not like he helped me ,i have to help myself with him' he thought aimlessly as he read though the whole dialogue.

well it seemed easy .He was managed to read till the end but something was ....wrong.The girls were giggling quietly . 'did I do something wrong?' and the flea.. 'noway !he was smiling and it’s not in a good way! Which means the flea trick-'his thoughts stopped as

“class,what chapter are we studying today ?”the teacher said ,no emotion on his face.
“chapter 5 sensei”the class answered in unison .
“and ,heiwaijima-kun what chapter did you just read?”

“C-C-Chapter 1 sir”shizuo sweat dropped.The whole class laughed loudly.

' Yeah I really shouldn’t believe that flea' but he was too late.

“Go clear your sleepy head by running 30 laps in the field .Next time and it will be worse, believe me .And also come pay visit to the office during lunch. Now, out of my class!”the teacher shouted.

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