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So as Sebastian and y/n were walking around they noticed a woman
As they followed her into the house they slowly looked into the kitchen and saw her banging someone's head on the table continues ly until when Sebastian move and the floor creaked and she came running at them so y/n through her knife at the woman's head she fell to the ground.
"What's this greens stuff" Sebastian asked
"I don't know contact Kidman" y/n said
"Kidman you there" Sebastian asked
"Yeah what's up" Kidman replied
"It's just like beacon" Sebastian said
"Well we know it's not beacon is over" Kidman said
"Let's just keep moving we will talk to you later" y/n said as they continued into the town
After walking Abit
There was a man well more like two men but one fell over and was attacked by the zombies while the other one ran it a house but a zombie was banging on the door so Sebastian and y/n silently killed them but when they went into the house more zombie came so Sebastian put a cabinet in front of the door. So they made there way down stairs when the man pointed a gun at them
"I'll shoot" he yells
"We are in the same side" Sebastian replies as him and y/n out there weapons on the ground and slowly walk to wards the man they both notice that something is of
"Don't come any closer" he yells as Sebastian come closer and grabs the gun
"Your not mobius" he says
"Yeah but we are on the same side we were sent in by them plus I am too" y/n says
"And you let your last solder die for you" Sebastian says
"He wasn't my soldier that was his job I'm just a technician" the man says
"Yeah cause a soldier wouldn't have left the safety left on their gun" y/n says
"So let's start over I'm Sebastian Castellanos" Sebastian introduced himself
"I'm y/n l/n" y/n also introduced herself
"I'm O'Neil Liam o'neil I guess we could help each other" o'neil says
After all the talking cause I'm lazy
So they went through the back way to follow these signals one to get weapons and ammo and two to find where lily is.
So they found a handgun which y/n took and more ammo so they start going towards the signal of the little girl when they get there they walk into a room and find something it was Lily's doll she was here but who was here also we turn the radio up to see and y/n realised something she knew the man

Chapter three done

Stefano Valentini x readerWhere stories live. Discover now