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We keep walking for an unknown amount of time. The total absence of any source of natural light in the tunnels makes me deeply nervous, as I have no way of knowing what time it is, which also means that we can't know whether the day has already ended and another one has started, or not. We walk until we feel completely exhausted, and then we sit down on the floor, putting the small source of light between us.

Harry looks at me with pleading eyes. "Please, tell me we have something else to eat rather than apples. I'm so tired of eating apples."

I purse my lips and go through the bag searching in the best way I can, even though I already know the answer. When the total absence of any different kind of food proves it, I sigh and lean my back against the wall, giving him a defeated glance. "I'm sorry."

He groans. "I can't wait to get out of this place, so that we'll have some real food. Roast beef with potatoes or something like that, it would be nice. Strawberries dipped in chocolate as dessert."

"Do you actually dip strawberries in chocolate?" I ask him giving a weird look.

He turns his head to look at me. "Of course. Have you never tried them?"

"I ate chocolate like, three times in my entire life. I don't really think chocolate and strawberries would taste any good" I reply, and he laughs.

"You are about to get your mind blown" he says, "Let us just get the hell out of here, I'll show you a lot of good things to eat."

"Didn't know you were interested in cooking." I open the backpack again and take an apple. "As in right now, I'm afraid you'll have to settle for lower class food" I say giving it to him.

He takes it, rubbing his thumb against the smooth surface. "I never cooked. We have a chef for that at the Styles Mansion. It still doesn't mean I don't know how to eat, though."

"I mean, strawberries and chocolate seem a pretty hellish mix" I mumble before taking a bite of my apple.

"Why? Do you not like strawberries?" He asks curiously.

I roll my eyes. "Of course I like strawberries, Styles."

"And do you like chocolate, Dove?" He continues, opposing my name to the way I called him.

"I do."

"Then what makes you think strawberries dipped in chocolate wouldn't taste good?"

"Well, you know. I also like potatoes and apples but I'm pretty sure they'd taste like shit if they were put together. Some things just aren't meant to happen" I replied, and he smiled.

"I'll admit you kind of have a point there. But they still taste good, I promise you."

"Weren't you the one that told me to never trust you like, probably five days ago or something now?" I detach my back from the wall and sit in front of him, so that I can look at him without turning my head.

He grumbled at my words. "Things were different."

I give him a small ironic smile. "Sure they were."

"Listen, I'm trying. Just drop it" he says giving me a little glare.

"Trying to do what exactly?"

"In this moment, trying not to stand up and leave you here and trying not to kiss you to shut you up. Quite torn between the two." He brings his knees to his chest, throwing the apple core on the ground.

I do the same and stand up. "Aw, that's cute. Up now, we have a long way to go still."

He gets up as well, and we continue our walk - hopefully in the right direction.

"What if we took the wrong turn at some point?" Styles asks after some time, that almost felt like hours, voicing the doubts that were swirling in my mind as well.

"We'd be screwed. But I'm pretty sure this is the right way. I hope so, at least" I reply, and he gives me a little nod.

"I wonder how much time has passed. It's impossible to tell, in here." He stops walking as we reach a set of stairs, making me stop as well.

"I know. I just hope we'll get out of here soon, this place is putting me on edge" I say truthfully.

He gives me a little nod. "What will you do after?" He asks, making me frown.


"After all this mess."

"Oh" I say, understanding what he's talking about. "I don't know really. I suppose I'll just go back home and continue with my life. If we get out of here."

He walks closer and leans against the same dirty wall I was leaning on. "The city isn't really safe, though. Not anymore. With the war coming up, and everything. You live in the city centre, so what if the Moons and Payne start doing raids or things like that? You live right between them and the Styles Mansion."

I sigh. "What else would I supposed to do? That's the life I've been made to live, you know it."

He puts his hand on my waist and tugs me closer, his breath hitting my neck. "Run away with me" he whispers, leaving a soft kiss on my warm skin.

"Why? You don't even know me" I reply shakily, the air surrounding us suddenly feeling too warm to breathe.

"That's true" he gives in, "But you're not a bitch, but you're also not trying to fuck me, and I think I like that."

"The fuck" I say letting out a little laugh at the absurdity of his reply, "How did you even reach your twenty-three years of age."

"Do you really want to know?" He asks with a little laugh. "Is that a yes?" He stands straighter to look at me.

"I can't" I reply, "My parents."

"My father will free them when he knows I'm out of the city. They can come with us, if that's the problem" he says again, trying to convince me.

"Why do you want me to come with you?" I ask him curiously.

"Because you're different from the other girls I've met" he replies, "Girls usually completely hate me, or try to bed me. You don't do either, you... confuse me. I never know how to act or what to say when I'm around you, and as much as I'd like to say I hate it, I don't at all."

"I'm sorry to say it, but you haven't had that much luck with the opposite gender at all. I'm not one of a kind, there are many other girls just like me" I say.

He wraps his fingers around my forearm, his hand on the wall, almost leaning against me. "Not that threatened my father with a knife" he says, making my eyes widen. "Did you really think I didn't know? That's why I insisted on having you in the team" he reveals, "I admire you, and I want you."

"I..." I start to say, but I stop, realising that I don't know what to say.

"Will you come with me?" He asks again. "Is there anything truly holding you back?" He continues using my same words when he sees I'm unsure.

"I will think about it" I say, finally giving in, and he smiles.

"I'll take it, if that's all I can get." He takes a step back, offering me his hand. "Let's go on."

I take it, and we keep walking down the stairs.

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