Do you want to be my friend.

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Do you want to be my friend.

It wasn't a question. It never had been. It was simply a heads up that she wasn't going to escape.

In a town small and unnoticed. There lived a young girl, who just turned fourteen. She had moved in with her family and they were a  'perfect' family.

She was an only child and believed in all things pure. 

Obviously, she had never heard of the legend.

'The Taker'

Don't be fooled by the misleading name. For this creature did more than just simply take. You see, it was the kind of creature that liked to play with its meal. She didn't listen nor believe them. They warned her to never go searching for the source of the knocking in the night. But she never listened.

Oh, how she regretted that.

One night, after a particularly difficult afternoon of trying to convince the townsfolk that 'The Taker' was not real and utterly failing. She did her normal routine and went to bed early. But she didn't notice the eyes watching her like a predator. Don't worry, this creature was very patient. It knew when was an excellent time to pounce and it would wait all night if it had to. The time ticked on and on. With every tick, the girl got closer and closer to rousing back to consciousness. Until finally, when the clock struck three o'clock, she had awoken with a start. She could have sworn she heard someth-

Knock! Knock!

There it was, the noise that had awoken her. She frowned to herself but got up to answer the door. She wrapped herself in her robes and marched out of her room, down the stairs and straight to the door. She paused and went to open the door but suddenly-

Knock! Knock!

There it was again! But it was not coming from the doorway in front of her. Confused and paranoid, she turned around and walked into the living room where she stood in the middle and listened for the noise.


She stayed quiet until-

Knock! Knock! KNOCK!

She jumped, startled by the sound. Not only had the last knock been extra loud but she had also felt it from underneath her feet. As if something had knocked from directly underneath. She became curious. The only thing that was underneath was the basement. But nothing was there.

'Exactly! Nothing's there. So I should check it out.' She reasoned with herself. So cautiously, she made her way down into the foreboding room. She staggered down the stairs until she reached the floor, then she fumbled around in the dark until she felt something cylindrical under her touch. It was a flashlight. Quickly she turned it on.

Only to wish she never had.

There, hanging from the rafters of the basement ceiling by their own organs, were her parents. And in between them,  written on the wall in their own blood was the message:

Do you want to be my friend.

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