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Five shadowy figures flitted almost silently into the dank alleyway, crimson eyes glowing slightly in the pure darkness of night.

These creatures were here with a purpose.

In the low light, the way they changed could only just be made out.

Dropping onto all fours,  they began to transform. Their shape morphed into that of a monster, muscles expanding and shifting positions.

They looked up.

Hunger lingered in every one of their strangely feline pupils, an intense energy passed between them before the buzz of the hunt.

Each one turned to face in a different direction, sniffing and tasting the air, senses finely tuned to pick out the scent of prey.

The lion-like silhouettes inched forward, ears swiveling backwards and flattening to the back of their heads in unison.

With each calculated step the creatures made,  the sound of claws raking accross concrete rang out over the constant dripping from the rain soaked buildings surrounding the run down alley.

As if responding to some subliminal cue, the creatures halted.

They tensed, rocking back onto their haunches and extending their already vicious claws.

The muscles in all four limbs bulged as the figures prepared to pounce, eyes fixed steadfastly onto the rusted guttering above them.

After holding this position for a fraction of a second, the largest animal sprang into the air, landing gracefully atop the glimmering tiles.

Moments later, though clearly in a pack order, the other four creatures landed, the smallest scrabbling to keep it's balance on the slippery surface.

Now that they were out of the shadows,  moonlight illuminated the creatures features in greater detail.

They were mostly black in colour, streamlined yet muscular with a huge set of jaws.

Raindrops could be seen dripping off the wiry fur which bristled attentively around their shoulder blades.

The creatures were by no means perfect in appearance. Some had deep wounds and scratches across their bodies as well as patches of missing fur. The largest had an angry scar through it's left eye, the smallest a torn ear.

They were, though, perfect killers. Each had an unquenchable thirst for human blood. They were monsters. Perfect monsters.

Hissing, the creatures prowled forward for a moment, and then - in a sudden burst of speed -  they charged into the night.

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