Falling For It

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Sinder was more than just annoyed. She was fuming.

"What do you mean you can't drive me there?" She half yelled, right in the face of her twin brother. She had to get to the concert. She wasn't going to miss her favourite band on stage.

Liam recoiled, shocked at her sudden turn of anger. "My car is broken! It's not like I have the choice!" He replied, defensively.

"Well how the hell did it get broken?!" She shouted, her voice raising in pitch with every word.

Liam looked to the floor, sheepishly.

Sinder went crazy. "You did NOT crash that car."

Liam didn't say anything, he just chewed on his lip.

" You did, didn't you? You SON OF A BITCH!" She screamed, tears now flowing freely down her cheeks.

"Come on now, it was a total accident this time!"Liam attempted to sympathise.

"You mean you've crashed it BEFORE?" She slapped him.

Liam just stood there, stunned. "I-" But he was broken off mid-sentence by another hit to the arm. He winced and clutched the already reddening patch of skin, hurt.

Sinder couldn't deal with this anymore. Her stupid brother ruined everything she did.  He was such an idiot.

Using the chance to take out her anger some more, she slapped him again, this time on the face.

Before she had the chance to hit him again, Liam turned away and walked off, hanging his head.

She sighed. Mabye that had been a little uncalled for. She looked down at her hands. She hadn't been fair on him. Then again, it had been nice to release some pent up anger.

Her eyes followed her twin until he dissapeared round the back of the school.

Sinder stood, trying to muster some motivation to go face him, but guilt took over and she went to her friends instead.

Liam Cochrane trudged through the wet mud, his black boots sticking to the floor with satisfying slurping sounds each time he lifted his foot. The winter sun shone through his hair, weakly illuminating his face. He wasn't even good enough for his own sister.

Liam stared at his feet. Nobody was there to see him cry. For years, Sinder had been his only anchor. Their mother had been killed in a road accident 2 years ago, and he and his sister had roughed it out ever since.

They had been forced to sleep on the streets and beg for money. Once, Liam had ended up eating from an overturned bin.

Nobody had even known about it, at the time. They couldn't tell anyone, it woukd have botten them kicked ou of school.  No home, you don't get school. No school, no meals. No meals, no you.

After months of misleading school teachers and pupils alike to believe that they had a decent home, Liam had cracked and told his only friend, Mikah Kenworth. Horrified, Mikah had given them a place to stay, and his parents had bought him a car for his 17th birthday, but Liam had still very much relied on his sister.

Sinder, as she got older, was content with ignoring Liam whenever possible. They grew further apart every day, and Liam couldn't take comfort in being with her any more.  Sure, they had gotten into fights all their life, but today had been the first time she had hurt him and meant it. The only fragment of his happy life was being torn away from him, and there was nothing he could do about it.

Liam wiped his eyes. Mabye he was overreacting. She had a right to be annoyed. He had ruined the car, and wasn't totally sure that it could be forgiven.

In other words, he might have just gotten himself kicked out of the only place he could stay.

Somewhere up above him, a tile was knocked loose and crashed onto the tarmac near his feet.

Within seconds,  Liam knew something was wrong. On reflex, he began to transform.

He cried out in pain as his average sized arms expanded, joints shifting and swelling, fingers fusing together into savage clawed paws. His head grew in size, ears shifting higher on his head, skull reforming. His mouth became larger, his face becoming distinctly feline. He grimaced, gargantuan jaws locking together and baring teeth the size of steak knives. His skin thickened, blackening and sprouting wiry ebony fur.

Liam flexed his body, now fully tramsformed into his second form. The process of morphing still hurt him - he was pretty new to this.

Something slapped to the ground.

His head snapped up, ears swivelling. About 10 yards in front of him, a huge chunk of meat had just dropped to the floor. A prime cut. He took a step towards it, licking his lips.Nobody would notice it missing.  Alarm bells were ringing in the back of the more human side to his brain, his common sense telling him that meat doesn't just fall from the sky like that, and that something smelled weird.

Like, really weird.

He battled his instincts, trying desperately to pin down the location of the odd scent.

Unfortunately, Liam's specially honed feline senses overruled his human ones, and were already far too occupied by the joint resting at his feet to notice the seven somethings converging on him high on the rooftops. His flawless eyesight didn't see the canine muzzles peering over the gutters. His sensitive whiskers failed to pick up the minute vibrations the somethings caused.

It was only when Liam heard the somethings move that he realised his mistake.

Whatever they were, they had played to his weakness.

Liam was suddenly hit with an overwhelming stench. The somethings crashed to the ground, guttural howls escaping their over-sized jaws.

Hissing, he attempted to escape, but a combination of shock and horror had slurred his reflexes, he was brought to the ground in seconds.

They were on him before he could scream.

Jaws locked around his neck, holding him down while claws and teeth tore at his body

How had he fallen for it?.

The last thing he registered before he blacked out was shame

(A/N: If you recognise the names Liam & Cochrane,ily.)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2016 ⏰

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