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"I am back!" the tired but happy Jaebum said while opening the front door. his stare was fixed on Jinyoung, who was lying on the couch reading a book in his pyjamas. he looked beautiful like that, adorable.

"welcome back home Jaebum-ahh~" the reader said with a deep sleepy voice, not bothering to look at him. he was lost in his book.

Jaebum saw Jinyoung not really giving him that much attention, but he knew if he was like that it means the book is really good. He didn't wanted to annoy his boyfriend, so he just stayed quiet and left to head to the shower.

"hyung" Jinyoung said quite blankly. He put his book on his chest and crossed his arms with a sad pout.

Jaebum stopped walking, and rewind. he came back to the living room to see him; looking like an upset 5 years old. He didn't think much about the Hyung, even if when Jinyoung calls him that his heart feels like skipping a few beats.

"mmh?" Jaebum hummed, looking a bit surprised of how Jinyoung's position and expression changed in a matter of 2 seconds.

"you forgot something..." Jinyoung revealed. He was looking at the ground, not wanting to confront Jaebum's gaze. He thought being childish for acting like that, but he couldn't help it. Every time his soulmate would come home from work, he would do something special.

Jaebum chuckled. He wouldn't have thought a single time Jinyoung would react that way after what he did. It made him feel all warm inside. Jinyoung was so cute, he didn't hide his feelings at all. Jaebum walked to Jinyoung slowly, smiling a little. He kneed right in front of Jinyoung's face. He could clearly see the blush on Jinyoung's ears. His face looked so frustrated, again not looking in Jaebum's direction.

"forgot about what baby?" The oldest said in a teasing way. He knew what he forgot, but he still wanted to see what Jinyoung was about to do.

"here" he responded, tapping his finger on his bottom lip. Obviously looking needing for Jaebum's lips here. Then he looked at Jaebum, who was ready to cry out of cuteness. He played strong, even if a huge smile formed on his mouth. He patted Jinyoung's head in sort of excuse.

"aahh yes yes" Jaebum shamefully looked down still with this huge smile stuck on his face. Jinyoung knew Jaebum did this to tease him, but again, he couldn't help it.

Jaebum looked up and he saw Jinyoung stare right into his soul. His eyes were a whole galaxy. Shining as If little stars were in there. His jaw dropped a little, letting his mouth into a small "o". Literally falling  once again in love with him.

Jinyoung smirked. Which he knew it makes Jaebum go crazy. (and panic if they were in public) He started getting closer to Jaebum's face little by little, slowly... Then stopped a few inches apart from his lips. Jaebum stopped working. His heart started beating faster and faster. Why? They've been together for 10 years. Why was he feeling so shy all of a sudden?-

"Jaebum-ah, calm down. I can literally hear your heart beating" Jinyoung said, crawling his hand up to Jaebum's cheek. He was red, his whole face was red. Jaebum isn't recognising himself anymore. Was Jinyoung making him this weak? Yes.

"Ah-ah-I'm sorry" he started getting back to reality. Shaking his head right to left. Apparently trying to get his blushing off.

But Then. The tables turned. When he finally had to courage to look at Jinyoung's lips. Im Jaebum was back. He grabbed Jinyoung's neck with his right hand and brought him to smack their lips together. Jinyoung kind of got startled by Jaebum's sudden change of mind. But he finally got what he desired the most.

His lips, the flavour, it was strawberry. Jaebum's favorite. Now he knows why Jinyoung was so disappointed before, he wanted him to taste his favorite flavour. He might have reacted aggressively, but the way he kisses Jinyoung is always gentle. It feels like he is scared to break Jinyoung's pure lips just by moving too quickly. So the kiss was slow, and loving. They're lips knows each other for so long, they move in sync. As if they were dancing, and practiced it for years to be perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2018 ⏰

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