🎶New baby has arrived🎶✔️

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Musa POV
I breathed heavily as I was pushing my third baby out of me. They say the first time is the hardest and after that it gets easier, well whoever made up that crap is wrong. Riven was holding my hand tightly as he just watched me with a worried look on his face. Then a piercing cry was heard and relief washed over me as the pain subsided and all I could hear was our baby crying for the comfort of his/her mother. Me and Riven agreed to wait for the birth to find out the gender, I was surprised because last time he really wanted to know but he said it was fun not knowing so he didn't want to this time which I was okay with. " Congratulations it's a boy!" The doctor announced and a tear of joy rolled down my cheek, another little boy that I can raise. I looked over at riven and he had lots of tears running down his cheek I pulled his face down to me and kissed him passionately. The doctor handed me my baby boy and I cradled him gently in my arms." Hello little guy" I said softly and he opened his eyes to my surprise he had violet eyes but they were a shade darker then rivens, and he also had a small tuft of dark blue hair on his head. " he's so perfect" I said and Riven was still admiring his newborn son and he looked into my eyes,"yes he sure is" he said and placed his finger on the babies cheek and stroked it softly. " what are we going to name him?" Riven asked " I was thinking, River." I suggested " River, that's such a good name" he said and river giggled as his new name was said " River Quinn Gold, welcome to the world" I said " your actually giving him my last name?" Riven asked " yes, considering that harmony and hunter have my last name I decided to give him your last name " I smiled. After me and Riven got married I decided to keep my last name i don't know why I just felt like I needed too I know it's not very traditional to keep your last name after marriage but I really enjoyed my last name considering my mother gave me that name. Riven smiles back and kissed me on the lips and then kissed rivers forehead. Just then the winx and the guys walked in along with harmony and hunter. " Harmony,Hunter come meet your baby brother." I said and Stella squealed " yes it's a boy! I knew it!" She said. Harmony and hunter Walks cautiously over to my hospital bed, they climbed onto the bed and looked down at their new baby brother " Aww he's so cute" Harmony said and hunter looked at him and smiled childishly " yay! Finally
I have a baby brother to play with, we can play cars and do lots of fun things together!" Hunter fantasied " well, he's a little too young for that know baby but when he gets older I'm sure you two
Will have lots of fun" I smiled down at
My son " What's his name?" Flora asked and looked down at my newborn baby " his name is River, River Quinn Gold." I said proudly " that's a handsome name, he's gonna be very good looking I can tell"
Bloom said " yeah, I'm sure he'll bag all of the ladies" Aisha giggled and riven sighed and we all laughed.

The next day I was discharged from the hospital and we were on our way home with our new baby. I was very excited to watch him grow into a handsome young man but for now comes the all night crying stage of having a new baby and I wasn't very excited about that. Harmony and hunter we staying at Stella's for a couple of nights so we could focus on taking care of river without an interruptions .Once home I took river into the nursery and laid him down in his crib, we had decided to reuse a crib we had for the twins so we wouldn't have to buy a whole new crib. As I laid him down his arms flailed in the arms as if not wanting to let go of me but I couldn't hold him forever I really needed to take a shower so I walked away from the crib and I shut the door quietly so he wouldn't be startled and walked across the hallway into me and Riven's bedroom. Riven was laying flat on his back on the bed passed out, go figure he stayed up for the 31 hours of labor that I went through and never left my side and he didn't sleep a wink so he deserved some rest. I quietly grabbed my night gown and some other necessities before walking across the room to our bathroom and undressed before turning on the water and stepped into the shower. The warm water flowed down my aching back providing some relief from carrying a baby for 9 months. The best thing about having a baby is when the baby is out and you can finally walk around without constant pain in your back. I sighed and just enjoyed the water.

After my relaxing shower I opened the bathroom door and left it open to let some of the steam air out, riven was still sound asleep, even though it was only 5 I decided to take a small nap assuming
I deserved some rest as well. I laid down next to Riven who was now laying on
His side and I pulled myself slower to his chest and closed my eyes hoping for some rest. This might be the only time I may get some restful sleep.

I awoke several hours later to the crying of my newborn son, I looked over at the clock who's bright red number said it was 9:32 and I sighed we slept for a while it seems. I stood up and slipped my comfy house slippers on and walked across the hallway into the nursery where my son was crying softly in his crib, I walked
Over to the crib and picked River up in my arms and walked over to the rocking chair and sat down slowly. Riven still cried a little but being in my arms
Seemed to have calmed him down a little but he was still crying he was probably hungry so I stood
Up and walked into the kitchen to make him a bottle, I decided for our third baby that I didn't really wanna breastfeed so
We went with just making bottles that way when I wasn't home or sleeping or something that Riven could feed the baby as well. After the bottle was done heating up I walked back into the nursery and sat back down in the chair and put the bottle up to rivers lips where he greedily drank his milk. I just watched with pure love in my eyes as he drank his milk. And Fantasized about the future with our children and hopefully it will be a happy one.
Well what did you think? This was a little longer then I expected so I think it turned out great, this is officially the last chapter but there will be short one shot chapters probably soon so look
Out for those!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and please review I enjoy reading reviews about my stories
Thank you all goodbye for now!

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