{\~Chapter 1~/}

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"Yah! Na fucking Jaemin! Wake the fuck up!" Jaemin's older brother, Taeyong, screamed for what seemed the 100th time because Jaemin doesn't want to wake up.

"Shut up, I'm trying to sleep" Jaemin mumbled

"Alright, you know what? We're doing this the hard way" Taeyong whispered as he went to the restroom only to comeback with a bucket of water.

"Jaemin i said to wake up!" Taeyong said one more time.

"And I said to let me sleep but did you listen? Nope, I don't think so" Jaemin put his head under his pillow so he wouldn't have to listen to his older brother.

"Ok fine" Taeyong said and pretended to walk away. Jaemin looked up and Taeyong dumped the bucket of water on the younger's head.

"AHHHH IT'S COLD!!!" Jaemin yelled at the top of his lungs and fell off his bed.

"Next time I tell you to wake up, you wake up okay?"

"But I don't have classes today!" Jaemin argued

"But we're moving and we need to be there in a few hours and it's 2 hours away, so let's go or I'll dump more water on you!!"

"Oh yeah we're moving, I forgot" Jaemin said and laughed nervously. Taeyong scoffed and left the younger male's room.


"Hyung, are we almost there?" Jaemin asked.

"Not yet but almost"

"You drive so slow oh my god!" Jaemin whined and started kicking in frustration.

"Stop being such a brat, it's so annoying" Taeyong said in an annoyed voice and rolled his eyes.

" You're annoying!!" the shorter yelled, taking off his seatbelt and was ready to fight his older brother until the car suddenly came to stop, causing Jaemin to fly forward.

"Ouff" Jaemin made a noise as he fell off his seat.

Taeyong burst out in laughter and ruffled Jaemin's hair "We're here loser, come on"

Jaemin quickly got up, opened the door of the car, and ran up to where Taeyong's apartment is.

"I CAME ALL THIS WAY FOR THIS?!" Jaemin yelled at his older brother who was unloading the moving truck. Taeyong ignored him and brought Jaemin's stuff into their apartment.

"Does it at least look better inside?" Jaemin asked but his question was quickly answered by his brother opening the front door. His jaw dropped as he went inside. It was bigger than he thought it was. The walls were a nice creme color, sandy brown tiles, and nice furniture. But the younger male was most interested in the huge fish tank, there were many colorful fish and Jaemin quickly ran over to the tank and tapped on the glass, they all hid in the castle decoration. Jaemin pouted and went back to his brother to help him unpack.

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