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Hey! This is my first ShayTards FanFiction, so give me some feedback! While I've planned out this story, there is room for reader input. So, if there's anything you want to see, let me know! This chapter mainly just sets up the story, so it may not have many surprises. Next chapter will expand on the story.

Chapter One- chained.

Avia lay in bed, tossing and turning. She wasn't going to sleep that night, and she knew it. All she could hear was the ruckus her parents were making downstairs. This was happening constantly, all the time, regardless of day or night, they couldn't stop arguing. It was tearing the family apart, ruining the YouTube audience, and disrupting all the plans they had made. For an entire week, Shay and Colette would do nothing but argue.

And no one knew why.

Avia did her best to listen, but it was to no avail. She could make out little bits, words like 'irresponsible', and 'unfathomable', and other words she knew not to repeat. But tonight was different. The words shook the house like a tornado, and would have just as much an impact.


Then the sound of a slam rattled the very foundation of the building. Avia knew that this was the voice of her mother, and assumed that her father had slammed the front door.

"Please, let this be over..." Avia whispered to herself.

Then, the noise of a baby crying exploded. Avia jumped up, and made her way out of her room. It was Daxton.

"SHUT UP! MAKE HIM SHUT UP!" Colette erupted.

Avia couldn't have moved quicker. She made a beeline for her youngest brother's room. He was in a state, screaming, kicking, crying, you name it, he was doing it.

"You poor thing!" Avia said, solemnly. It was a sucker punch to the gut for her to see him upset. He is like a son to her, and she loved having that relationship with him.

"Ay- Ayya?" Daxton cried, reaching his arms out for his sister.

"I'm here sweetie. It's okay." Avia allowed the hysterical one-year-old into her arms, rocking him back and forth whilst whispering comforting words. It took a while, but Daxton's cries died down. He was still weeping, but he had stopped screaming. Avia laid him back in his crib, bent down to kiss him on the forehead, then turned to leave.

"No!" Daxton choked.

Avia turned around, then went back to kiss him again.

"I have to go to bed now, Daxy, but I'll see you in the morning. Sweet dreams." Avia turned to leave, but was met with the heart melting voice of her brother again.

"Pese Ayya!" Daxton sobbed.

Avia was impressed with how quickly Daxton was learning words. He was a little talker, and was always ready to try out any word. Avia was unable to say no. The pleading look in his eyes, which were still filled with tears, his little arms trying to reach for her, it was too much to handle.

Picking him up, wrapping him in a blanket, grabbing a chair, then resting him on her lap, Avia knew she would be staying the night with him. The house was silent now. She could finally sleep. And that's exactly what happened.

The following morning, Avia was awoken to a hand on her shoulder, and a familiar voice whispering her name.

"Avia..." the voice whispered, getting louder with each repeat. Avia's eyes slowly fluttered open, her gaze falling on the caller. It was Gavin.

"You awake?" He said, trying not to wake Daxton up.

"Yeah." She responded, still in a tired daze. "You okay? What happened last night?"

"I'm not sure, but the cars are gone. I think Mom and Dad both left."

Avia, not thinking twice, placed Daxton back in his crib, and walked downstairs with Gavin. They made their way into the kitchen and looked at the carnage. It looked like it had been ransacked. There was paper all over the floor, cereal all over the table, and the curtains had fallen off the windows. On the refrigerator there was a note, and they could see that it had 'Avia and Gavin' on it.

The pair made their way over to the note and reading the remainders of it's contents. It was in their father's handwriting. Avia read the note aloud:

"Avia and Gavin,

This is difficult to say, but I don't know when I'm going to next see you. Your mother has thrown me out. I can't explain why, but the next time I see you, I will.

Mom will likely be in a bad way, so I will need you two to take care of Emmi, Brock and Daxton. You are both very responsible, I know that you will make me proud in this difficult time.

If anything goes wrong, call me on the home phone. I'm number one on speed dial.

I love you. Don't forget that.


Avia and Gavin exchange worried looks. This was it. Shay's been thrown out. Colette's gone missing. The income has stopped. Five children live in the house.

They were chained. Completely stuck, unable to go anywhere, because they had to protect their siblings.

The camera had been left on top of the refrigerator, which had a note attached to it:

"You know what to do."

The password for the SHAYTARDS channel was also written down.

Shay had tried to teach his children how to edit. Emmi paid little attention, but Avia and Gavin were absorbed. Shay was unable to convince Colette to let them have their own YouTube channels, but they were prepared for a change in that rule.

It didn't take long for them to figure it out.

They had to be the new anchors of the SHAYTARDS. Film, edit, upload, comment, tweet, post, repeat. That's okay, but there were unanswered questions.

How would they eat? That was a good question. Unanswered.

Avia picked up the camera and turned it on.

"Hey guys, Avia here."

"Gavin here."

"We need to talk."

to be continued.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2018 ⏰

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