Iron Adventures: Cybertron: War For The Second Dimension 25

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"Personal log, stardate 1915.12. The past few months have been the most insane months of my life, but also, the happiest, thanks to the handsome captain of Zord Carrier one. Jeremy is the kindest, most caring, and funniest guy I have ever met, and I'm graterful for fate bringing us together. I can only hope that we survive this war so we can we can have a long and happy relationship."

Isabella stepped onto the bridge, catching Siri's attention. "Good morning Isabella." "Morning Siri, how're you today?" "Good, and, before I forget, happy birthday." Isabella smiled. "Thanks siri, is Jeremy in today?" "In his office." "Great." Isabella proceeded to Jeremy's office.

"Computer, is the room soundproofed?" "Yes, no one will enter without your say so." "Great, play track jeremy 1, verse 2." Music began playing. 🎶she wears a smile every day. Dun dun. She brightens everybody's day. Dun dun. She has the heart of a tiger. Dun dun. She's the rainbow we adore—" before jeremy went any further, he heard the doorbell chime. "Computer cut music." The music stopped. Jeremy quickly stuffed his lyric sheet out of sight. "Enter." Isabella walked through the door. "Ah, good morning Isabella." "Good morning Jere. How was the night shift?" "Boring, we've been in hyperspace the whole night so I was able to snag a quick nap, but I mostly sat in the captain's chair on the bridge." "How much longer til we reach the next planet?" "Should be there in a week." "Then that'll give us the whole day to spend together." "Yes it should." At that moment, Siri entered the office. "Excuse sir, but may I talk to you for a Moment, alone?" "Sure, why don't you wait on the bridge, after this we can go get breakfast." "Sounds like a plan." Isabella exited the office. "Looks like she's completely clueless." "As the way it should be, I want her party to be the best surprise party she's ever had." "You're a good boyfriend, you know that?" "Yeah, So, What did you want to talk about." "Quark called, he wants you down there today to make sure everything's set for the party." "Alright, tell him I'll be down there shortly." "Alright. So, how's the song coming?" "Nearly done, just need one more verse." "Well hopefully she likes it." "I'm sure she'll love it, but the thing I'm worried about is that she's probably waiting for a happy birthday from me. And since I never forget anything, it's gonna be hard to pass off that I forgot." "I'm sure you'll put on a convincing show." "Thanks siri." "Any time Sir, now if you'll excuse me, I'll go down to engineering and see if Chief O'Brien has those mini fireworks ready." "Alright, have fun." "You too."

"Ok, test number 8 is ready, let's see if this works, activate." O'Brien backed away from the firework as it lit up. Right when Siri came in. "Hey Chief how goes the mini-" before Siri finished, the firework blasted off straight at her. "Woah!" Siri stepped to the right to avoid being hit. The rocket zoomed off and exploded. "What the heck?!" O'Brien ran to stand beside her. "Sorry sir, we're having trouble with the power, right now we're testing how much fuel is required to do what Captain cosmos wants them to do." "You think you'll be able to make enough of them by tonight?" "Aye sir." "Good, well don't let me stop you." "Thank you sir, and, sir?" "Yes chief?" "There's something that I've been meaning to ask you." "Whats that?" "Its about the party, i was wondering if you'd like to go with me." "Uh, sure chief, I'll go with you." "Great, I'll come by a pick you up at, say, 1800hrs?" "Sounds good." "Alright, see you then sir." "See you Then." Siri exited the engineering bay and started sprinting to find Jeremy.

"Captain, how do you expect us to keep this from Isabella all day? She's likely to come here at some point." "She won't come until I say so, because I am also her team leader." "One of the many reasons why every team needs a leader, so, where's Isabella now?" "With megatronus, he requested her, which gave me the chance to slip away and come here." Siri came through the door and ran up to Jeremy. "Sir! Can I have a moment?" "Is something wrong Siri?" "I don't know, I need some fatherly advice." "You got it." "Chief O'Brien just asked me out." Jeremy's eyes widened as he choked a little on the lemonade he was drinking. "What?!" "Yes, he seems to be developing feelings for me. Every time I enter the same room as him he blushes, he looks at me with those sweet charming eyes all the time, all the signs of a developing crush." "And now he's made his move." "Yes, And I Should point out that I said yes to his request." "Then it sounds like the next move is his." "But surely he must realize that I'm incapable of returning his feelings for me." "Actually you are." "Excuse me?" "When me and Isabella designed your current body, Isabella mentioned that there were things called chipmotions, a new technology that granted androids with the power of emotions." "So that means..." "You are very much capable of returning those feeling." "Ok, so, do you think I should pursue this?" "If the chief wants to, then go for it." "Ok, thanks sir." At that moment, the alarm sounded. "Yellow alert?" "Something must be happening, something unexpected."

Jeremy and Siri stepped onto the bridge. "What's happening?" "Sir, something's come up on sensors, a distress call, it's coming from what appears to be a ship, cybertronian in origin." "Cybertronian? Are you sure?" "I am-Wait, I'm getting a message, audio only." "Put it through." A voice came through with static. "To any ships in range, we've been adrift for years, we need immediate assistance!" "Can we clear up the static?" "Give me a minute." Isabella and megatronus stepped onto the bridge. "Got it, replaying the call." "To any ships in range, we've been adrift for years, we need immediate assistance!" "Sir, the signal is right in front of us." "Drop out of hyperspace, let's see what they're doing out here."

In a severely damaged ship, a couple people were on its bridge. "Commander Morgan, our call was received at one point, and it's on its way here." "Is it relief?" To answer that question, a fleet of ships dropped out of hyperspace.

To be continued.

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