His Spirit

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I slowly went up the temple steps my heart racing. Maybe I should back out of this I thought. I saw through the temple door that everyone was in the temple even Greg. Oh great. Slowly I placed my fingers on the pure golden yellow door bell. I took a deep breath and and rang the door bell. No one was going to expect that I was here, it was 6:00 pm. Steven ran to the door and opened.
"Connie, why are you here?" He Asked cheerfully in that normal childish tone he always had.
"Uh I have to talk to you about something." I said nervously.
"Ok, lets talk about it inside." He said. I entered the temple every second feeling like an hour. We made it up to Steven's room. I looked around. Everyone seemed occupied except Steven and I. Amethyst was eating a double cheese burger all over the floor, and Pearl was yelling at Amethyst for making such a gigantic mess eating her double cheese burger. Garnet was trying to calm down Pearl and Greg was watching a tv show I didn't recognize on tv.
It was safe to tell him.
"So what did you want me to talk about? Asked Steven.
"Well, my mom's boss thought that she was such a good doctor that he gave her a new job in the best hospital in the world."
"Congrats to your mom Connie!" He said
"We should throw a party for her it would be great!" He almost yelled. "It could be a surprise party for her!" "We could have party games and a huge cake, and those funny kazoos that people always have that go Z-OOO!" I suddenly I didn't want to tell Steven I was moving. He seemed so happy. I didn't want to be the one who broke his spirit.
"Uh yeah it exciting but I kinda have to go it's getting too late my mom and Dad will be mad at me." I interrupted.
"Ok, goodnight Connie tomorrow we can start planning your mom's party." He said.
"Goodnight Steven."
I got up off Steven's bed and headed down the stairs to the temple door. Steven followed me to the temple door. He opened it and I stepped outside the door. Why couldn't I just tell it straight to his face! He is my best friend. I should be able to tell him anything. Why am I so stupid.

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