Where home CH.2

30 3 3

Wow cool not

Sky's 13-year-old brother
Yes finally

Sky's 12-year-old sisters
Bet you can't make it the living room jake

Yeah right Alexa on one two three go

*Jake and Alexa run two the door jake opens the front door Alexa pushed jake and runs to the living room everyone else left the car with Sky in it. Sky unbuckles his set belt and opens the car door and then s close it and locked it he then walks into the house his face tones from disappointment to shock it was bigger than the old house he walked upstairs to past a medium size bedroom his 6-year-old brother and sister said which side he would get and his 12-year-old sister was in the other medium size bedroom on the floor in her drawing notebook as his 13-year-old was in the same room to unpacking he soon made it to the second master bedroom he sat down in the room by the wall he soon fell asleep*

A few hours later

Sky's mom
Sky gets up its time for dinner your dad and I order pizza.

What time is it right now?

Sky's mom
It's 2:00 at midnight after done eating gets ready for bed you have high school tomorrow.

what high school am I going to?

Sky's mom
You're going to Riverdale high school by the way you will be walking to school since we live close.

*Sky's mom got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen Sky soon got up and walked downstairs to the kitchen*

5 minutes later

*Sky walked to his room to get ready for bed he had to sleep on the ground since the moving truck would get here tomorrow so he takes his shoes off then his hoodie he was too tired to take his pants and shirt off he soon fell asleep*

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