Chapter 2

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Carlisle's pov

10 years old

I can't believe its been 10 years since Emmett and Rosalie found Bella but these last couple of days she has been smelling really bad and she has been shaking really bad when she gets mad it's really getting us all upset not being able to help her but right now I am sitting on the couch reading a newspaper when I hear her crying so I got up and ran to her room and saw her lying on her bed and she looked like she was in pain so I walked over to her and she looked at me and said grandpa I'm really sore and I'm really hot and so I went over to her and felt her head and she was so warm so I went over to the table and got my thermometer and then put it in her mouth and when it took her temp it was 108 and I thought to myself wait that's the same temperature as the wolves over in la push so I said hold on baby I'm going to get you help ok and she said ok grandpa and I walked downstairs where everyone was and said ok guys we have a big problem.

Esme then said what honey is it and I said well I'm pretty sure Bella is the way she is because she is turning into a wolf and everyone screamed WHAT at me and I said we need to phone the wolves and get them over here and if I'm right and she is one we are going to have to give her to them it's the only way she can get help and then Rosalie said no dad please I'm her mum please and then Emmett said dad we can't let her leave and I said well if she is turning into a wolf being around us isn't helping her she needs to be with her people because remember vampires make wolves turn faster and Alice said yes dad we know that but and then Edward and Jasper said yea dad don't make her leave we love her to much for that and I said we have to Esme honey can you get me phone please and Esme said ok Carlisle if you think it is best then yes here you go as she handed me the phone.

When I phoned Sam the alpha of the wolves he picked up the phone and said hello who is this and I said hello Sam it's Carlisle Cullen here and he said ok what do you want leech and I said I called you because of a girl she is 10 years old and we found her in the woods when she was only a couple of months old and he said yes ok what about her said I said well her name is Isabella and we think she may be a wolf because she is showing all the signs of the wolf the anger and the shakes and her temp is 108 the last time I checked it and so we where just wondering if you and the pack could come over and see and then Sam said ok yes we will be right there but you all do realise that if she is a wolf we are going to have to take her with us for her safety because if I'm right it's because she has been around you lot for as long as she was she is phasing early than usual for other wolfs and I said yes we all know that and Sam said ok then we will be their as soon as we can and hung up and then I went back to talking to my family and I said to them well I think it's time we wake Bella up and they all just nodded their heads and we all went up to Bella's room.

Sam's pov

I was sitting in my living room with my wife Emily and our little niece Mia we were looking after her for Leah and Jacob while they where patrolling when my phone rang and I answered it and I said hello who is this and then the voice said hello Sam it's Carlisle Cullen here then I stepped out of the room into the kitchen and then I said ok what do you want leech and he said I called you because of a girl she is 10 years old and we found her in the woods when she was only a couple of months old and I said yes ok what about her and he said well her name is Isabella and we think she may be a wolf because she is showing all the signs of the wolf the anger and the shakes and her temp is 108 the last time I checked it and so we where just wondering if you and the pack could come over and see and I was so shocked to here him say that he may have found a wolf and I then looked into the living room and looked at Emily remembering a girl years ago that Emily told me about and I finally came out of the shock and I then said ok yes we will be right their but you all do realise that if she is a wolf we are going to have to take her with us for her safety because if I'm right it's because she as been around you lot for as long as she was she phasing early than usual for other wolfs and he said yes we all know that and I said ok then we will be their as soon as we can and I hung up.

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