Chapter Three:

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I didn't know how to act with him after we talked. It wasn't a long talk, and it was somehow awkward.

I arrived at school late, again. I arrive late most days because it's a privilege to miss the morning line to be honest. Not that they don't give punishment for late arrivers but still, it's better than the morning line.

I was going upstairs to my class and there he was going downstairs, he was right in front of me.

"Good morning," Riley said with the most cheerful smile while making me a way to pass.

"Uh um oh.. Hi," I half smiled.

well yeah I was confused, I wasn't planning on talking to him and I didn't think he would.

He continued downwards and I stood there for a while processing what had just happened.

He went down a few steps then turned and gave me a wide smile and then continued down.

Wow, this smile made me feel a little bit better about I reacted to his "Good morning" but still, I don't think he'll ever talk to me again.

I continued up to class, walked across the hall and knocked on the door.

"You're late again," Jake said.

"Yeah, whatever," I said.

"I'm gonna have to give you extra homework," Jake said.

"You're not serious," I said laughing.

"Now it's double extra for your response," Jake said sounding like an actual teacher.

I went to sit trying to shake Jake off my mind and just think about Riley, He made me smile so hard with his morning gesture.

"Hey hazzz, why's the big smile? you just got extra homework," Ashley whispered and the 2 other girls looked at me waiting for my reply.

"I'll tell you girls later," I winked.

During recess, the girls kept jumping over me with questions.

"Why were you smiling so big?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, did something happen?" Ashley added.

"Spill it all, come on," Kate continued.

"Fine fine, I'll tell," I said. "Umm, well I bumped in to blue eyes on the stairs and he said good morning and smiled his perfect smile," I said smiling.

"I knew you were falling for him," Emily giggled.

"I'm not," I yelled.

"Okay so, what did you say after?" Kate asked.

"Well, I totally embarrassed myself by ummm uhhh ohhh and then an awkward hi."

They all laughed.

"I'm sure he's totally in to you though," Ashley said.

"Yeah, you're the good kind of awkward," Emily laughed again.

"I hope so," I laughed.

Riley passed a lot by us during recess and each time, he looks at me and smile then when the girls keep looking at him he turns.

I went up to Jake as soon as I saw him.

"What's going on?" I said.

"What?" Jake said.

"Don't pretend there's nothing going on, seriously," I said.

"Is it because I gave you extra homework?" Jake scoffed.

"Why are you doing this?" I said annoyed.

"Do you like him?" Jake asked raising an eyebrow.

"I don't like Riley, you know that!" I yelled at him.

"Oh so now he's just Riley," Jake said.

"He's not my teacher, Mr. Adams whatever happy?" I said.

He went quite for a while.

"Why would you think I'd like him?" I asked calmly.

"Because all girls do, don't they?" Jake said.

"Well, I'm not like all girls," I said.

"So you don't like him?" Jake said.

"I don't, he's nice and all but I'm not in to him," I said.

"Fine," he said.

"Okay," I said then left.

I seriously have no idea why he's so jealous or mad about it.

Why would he introduce me to Riley if he doesn't want me to like him or talk to him, it's so confusing.

At the end of the day when I was going home, I saw Riley on a distance from me. He was smiling and waving. I totally doubted it's at me and I kept looking around but I think I was the only one standing so I raised a hand and smiled back.

"What's wrong Hazel?" Mum said.

"Why do you always know there's something wrong?" I said.

"It's a motherly thing," Mum laughed. "Now tell me what's going on?"

"Is it possible for a teacher to like a student or vice versa?" I asked.

"Well, girls fall for their teachers all the time but it'll be so weird for a teacher to fall for a student, why?" Mum said.

"I don't know, why is it weird though?" I said.

"Because the teacher is supposedly an adult, he won't lead such a relationship," Mum paused, "It's just wrong."

"Okay, got it," I said.

"Are you falling for your teacher Haz?" Mum asked.

"I don't know mum, maybe," I said half smiling and looking down.

"Tell me more details," Mum said.

I told her then about almost all what's going on and about how Riley is so nice with me although we don't really know each other and about Jake being so weird about it.

Mum always thought Jake was a jerk but she seemed to like Riley, although she didn't even know him not that she knew Jake.

She always had an idea about people without knowing them and it always seemed to be right, I guess it's also a motherly thing.

Before sleeping, I always sat on my bed for a while checking facebook, my email and just chilling for a while.

I found a new e-mail from school.

Dear student,


Wear your most sporty outfit and come join us this day where there'll be contests, games and prepared shows.

Students must attend, it starts and ends in school times.

All Teachers will be there as well, watching students play, as judges or joining in games.

Will see you all there hopefully, Prepare yourselves for having fun. :)

School's principle.

"Wow, that's gonna be fun," I said in sarcasm.

Sport's day was the worst of all school's events. It is so useless, and silly at least to me. I never had fun in one of those, I love sports I even play basketball but I never really joined in sport's days. I always just watch because I obligated to go.

But I thought it'll be different with Riley there, at least all day will be free and maybe I'll get to know him more.

I slept with the biggest smile on my face thinking about how monday will turn out, and mostly about Riley. It was the first time I got excited for a sport's day. I still couldn't define my feelings for him though.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2014 ⏰

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