Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:


"This is Harry's and Lou's flat. The rest of the boys are spending the day there I think." Niall told me.

"Niall James Horan, I really don't want to come here! I'll just bother everyone!" I said.

Okay, really, I was almost shitting my pants because I was so excited, but still.

"Don't be silly! The boys will love you! Just, loosen up a bit, and they'll take you in really well." Niall told me, taking down his hood and stuffing his sunglasses in his pocket.

"Okay." I said quietly.

Niall and I walked up to the front door, he unlocked it with a key he pulled out, and walked in. I walked in slowly and he shut the door behind me.

Just then a curly haired boy clad in only a pair of underpants walked to the front and stopped when he saw me. He stared at me for a moment.

"Are you single?" Harry Styles pointed to me.

"Yeah..." I said slowly.

"Why is it that the only time a pretty, single girl," he out emphasis in the 'single', "Comes here, I'm not naked!" He groaned loudly.

Just then, someone called to Harry, "Harry, what are you moaning about now?"

I stifled a laugh as Liam Payne walked up next to Harry and smiled at me, "Oh, we have a guest. Hello there."

"Hello." I said nervously.

"Relax." Niall murmured to me, rolling his eyes.

Liam took in Harry's lack of clothing and gestured wildly to me, "Harold! Go put on some clothing! Or at least a pair of trousers!" He commanded him.

I smirked. Daddy Direction has spoken.

Then, none other than Louis Tomlinson and Zayn Malik stumbled into the front, their arms duct-taped together.

Louis lifted his arm, which lifted Zayn's, in hello. "Hello, pretty girl! Wait, Niall, why is there a pretty girl here? And why is Harry not naked the one time one comes?"

"That's what I said!" Harry exclaimed, his eyes wide.

"Clothes. Now." Liam said, and pushed Harry away.

Harry slunk away and quickly came back with a pair of trousers on. Thank goodness.

"Hello." Zayn said.

"Hi." I replied.

"Okay, I ran into her today and broke her phone. We got a new one for her, and I forced her to come here. Acceptance?" Niall said.

"Hm... LET THE QUICKFIRE BEGIN!" Louis yelled.

The boys, including Niall, formed a line in front of me.

"Alright," Louis said in his official 'show host' voice. "Me and the boys are going to ask you questions. No matter how awkward they are, you must not hesitate, and you must not laugh."

I raised my eyebrows, but nodded. Might as well go along with it.

"Zayn, my husband, you start." Louis said.

"What's your name?" Zayn asked, the easy question.

"Jade Reills." I replied instantly.

"Who's the hottest member of One Direction and you can't say all of us." Harry said.

"Uh—" I started.

"No hesitating!" Louis yelled.

"Niall!" I said, blushing.

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