Chapter 12

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While walking down the stairs, I passed through a cloud of smoke. I refrained from coughing, as I didn't want to appear rude. Penelope must have noticed my empty glass, because she led us to the bar and ordered me another drink.

I thanked her and walked through the maze-like hallway and found myself in a room where everyone was playing beer pong. They were finishing their round when Olivia spotted me.

"I knew it wouldn't be long until you found yourself in here," she winked.

I giggled, probably from the alcohol. "Yeah, but no truth or dare." I glared at Penelope when I said it, making sure she heard.

"I guess I'll play favoritism," Penelope sighed. "You don't have to play any of the games." I smiled and gave her a quick hug before one of her guards pulled her aside.

She looked at me and wiggled her eyebrows before heading upstairs.

"What was that about?" Liv inquired.

"No idea," I replied truthfully, taking a sip from my new drink.

"Okay, we can have four games going on at once," a guy named Eddie slurred. "Who are the eight lucky contestants going to be?"

He quickly counted off six people, and then he turned in my direction. I felt someone raise my arm, and I figured Olivia wanted to compete against me.

"And you two," Eddie pointed at us. "Okay, that's all."

I turned to face Olivia, but instead I was met with Joey.

"What are you doing down here?" I asked, drinking more of the liquid from my plastic cup.

He winked. "I could be asking you the same thing." I noticed that his drink had been refilled, too.

"What did you tell Lillia and Jake?" I questioned, suddenly interested.

"That I had to pee," he shrugged. "It's not like they'll ever come down here to find us."

That was true. Despite their tough exteriors, Jake and Lillia weren't really the rebellious types.

"Eddie, make our shots straight vodka," Joey directed. Eddie yelled something in praise and began to fill the glasses as Joey looked back to me and smirked, repeating his words from earlier, "Let loose."

Two games of "vodka pong" later, Joey and I let two other people play. We each won a game, resulting in two very drunk teenagers.

I was having a little trouble walking straight, so Joey refilled my drink for me. We then watched a few games of truth or dare. Even my drunken state knew not to play. I was amused by the truth that was spilled out of the drunken idiots, though.

I tried to match up all of the secrets with the players, but my mind was already a jumbled mess. My own secrets started to flow through my mind, too, but I quickly locked them up in a box in the back of my mind. The last thing I needed was to spill my secrets because of my inebriated state.

I squinted at the clock, and despite the fact that the hands kept spinning, I came to the conclusion that it was around one or two o'clock.

"How about a game of spin the bottle?" someone shouted.

Within minutes, everyone was seated in a circle around a beer bottle.

We sat in boy-girl order, and Penelope spun the bottle around first. It landed on Eddie, so she walked over to him and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

When the bottle was passed to me, I reluctantly spun it. Was I really going to waste my first kiss on a stupid game of truth or dare?

The bottle tip landed on some random guy across from me. He quickly walked over to me and grabbed my arms, helping me up.

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