Part 1 ~Escape & Saved~

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                                                                             (Y/N)'S VIEW

       You are sitting on the cold stone ground, wate could it be? The basement door is opening! "Oh time," your mom walks down and sees you with huge hope in your eyes and your ears perk up as your tail starts waving, "(Y/N), hay don't get existed! You act as if scum like you would be set free from here...any ways here is your food" Your mom opens a cat food can and pours it onto the ground, ' least give me the can or plate or something!' you thot to yourself.

       The pest...sorry, I meant 'mom' left and closed the door, you here your parents going to sleep, your going to try to escape. You know they aren't going to hear you or notes because they are deep sleepers, you should know, you use to spend the nights cursing about them. You sneak up and try to open the door...'WOW! It is unlocked, YESSSSSSSSS' they don't care I guess... probably would be happy to get rid of you, so you get out of the basement and unlock the back door, you run for it, and never look IS THE TIME YOU LIVE...but you first steal a hoodie off the ground to hide your ears, and rap your tail around your legs, you hade a long skirt on after all. You run around the streets and look for a good place to take a nap.

              ~Time Skip (day time)~

       Your walking around, someone passes you and you hit there shoulder by accident, "Well hi lady...what's your problem???" this guy give you a weird look, seams like he was grabbing something from his pocket...I don't want to know what run and run and run and run, but he is right on your tail *not really though* you ran across the street 'that was close!' you thought to yourself as you were very close to being ran over by some horses. You made it across, but did the weirdo, he has a pocket knife... you were running...he sliced your arm as he grabbed you, this shocked you so you stopped for a moment and he grabbed you, knife to your neck, "HELP! PLEASE HELP!" You tried to scream out hoping someone would help you, and in luck...a tall man with dark raven colored hair and a boy close to your age with blue-ish colored hair. "Sabastian, I order you to stop this creep" said the boy "Yes my lord" says the guy I assume is Sabastian, he grabbed the guy "may you kindly live this little lady alone or els I will track your family, but I guess that wouldn't be to hard now will it...Craig, is it?" He looked so sweet and menissiong at the same time has the...Butler?...I think, grabs his shoulder and stares into his eyes. The stranger runs. "BYE BICH!" You yelled out not thinking.

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